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Even though fireworks were going off in the village to celebrate the marriage of China's heros, Mu and Y/n were by her family temple. Mu held two tablets and put them together.

"Mu? What are you doing?" Y/n asked.

"Watch and see," he replied as he placed them down.

In only a few moments, they heard a loud, "OH, YEAH! I'M BACK, BABY! I AM BACK!" Mushu slid over to them, looking giddy as ever, but quickly covered his mouth and looked up guiltily at Mu, who was looking right back at him.

"So this is the famous Mushu," he chuckled to himself. "Yeah, I remember you from the mountains."

"Ehehe...long time no see, buddy..."

"Don't worry, Mushu," Y/n said with a smirk. "I told him everything."

"Say what...?" he asked awkwardly, hiding behind her.

"I have no secrets from my husband." She placed a hand on his chest, smirking at the red dragon.

Gulping, not really wanting to know, but needing to, he asked, "Everythin', everythin'...?"

"That's right, Great Golden Dragon of Unity," Mu replied with a mocking bow and a wink, making the dragon laugh nervously.

"I still don't get it," Y/n cut in. "What does combining our temples do?"

"It gives me back my pedestal!" Mushu cheered.

"Oh. Wait, but can you do that? Aren't there rules?"

He took her hands, a smile playing on his lips. "Of course. Right next to the rules about dressing up like a man and joining the army."

Laughing, Mushu jumped on his head, deciding, "Well, you know what? This might just work out after all!"

They both chuckled in return as Mushu began to bark out orders. "Hey, yo, where's my masseuse?! Savin' China gives me knots like you wouldn't believe! Oh, and what about my pedicure?! Let's get jammin' on the toe jam, people! And somebody heat up some oil! I don't know what we gonna do with it yet, but it's gonna be good! Does a hero dragon deserve anythin' less? Draw my bath! Warm my towels! Let the pamperin' begin!"

He kept yelling out orders as he walked off, Mu leaning in and whispering, "Is he always so...spirited?"

"Like you wouldn't believe, de ài." [my love] She snuggled up to him, kissing his cheek.

And they all lived happily ever after.

The end.


" For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. " - Luke 12:34


Fa Mu:
I'll show you worlds you've never seen:
The sun and moon and shadows
The rainbow's arc
The mountain's stream
The sunless clouds
And the winter's dream

I'll play you sounds you've never heard:
The waterfall
The river
The thunder of the hummingbird
The whisper of snow

What if you never know how much you cared 'til you are parted by the stormy sea?

How could I let you go?
How could I bare my life without you here with me?

The world's a door that open wide
Because you're here beside me
And with the moon and sun to guide me,
Now my heart can fly
Now our hearts can be free

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