4. Tatia

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When she entered the house, Ayana was cooking something.

"I'm back and I've already met Rebekah, Kol and Henrik."

"Great. And? Did they recognise you? Did they think you were Tatia? "

"Not at all. They had no idea. The spell works great. "

"I'm glad."

There was a moment of silence in the house, and then Elena spoke again.

"Ayana, do you know how long I have to be here before I return home?"

"I don't know, but I believe it will not be long. Maybe a few days or a week. But don't worry, you won't be gone for so long in your time. "

"When you don't know what to do here or how long you'll have to stay here, it's a little frustrating." Elena sighed.

"I understand that, but you were called here by my ancestor, one of the most powerful witches who ever lived. She must have an important reason for it, and you're the only one who can figure out what it is. "Ayana said with a smile.

Before Elena could answer, there was a knock on the door.

Ayana went to open it and Rebekah stood behind it.

"Rebekah, nice to see you."

"It's good to see you too, Ayana. Elena, can we go? "

"Yeah, I almost forgot. Ayana, Rebekah has offered to take me around the village, if you don't mind. "

"Not at all. I'm glad you found a friend. Have fun, girls. "

"Thank you." And Elena left with Rebekah.

The two girls were walking through the village, and Rebekah talked all the time. She talked about all their neighbors, their relatives, who likes who, who hates who, and Elena listened to every word. They were almost on the edge of the village when a girl who looked exactly like Elena appeared in front of them. Tatia approached them both with a smile on her face, but Elena didn't like the smile. She knew the smile too well. From another doppelgänger she hates. Katherine. It was a smile that brought no good. Rebekah stopped beside Elena and was nervous, but she tried not to show it. Tatia looked around, then spoke.

"Rebekah. Did you finally find yourself a new friend? "She asked sweetly, too much sweetly. And at that moment, Elena would give anything if she could just punch Tatia in her face, because it was like if Katherine was standing infront of her.

"Tatia." She greeted Rebekah to the doppelgänger, with a little fear in her voice.

"Who are you boring now with your presence here?"

"I'm sorry, and you are?" Elena asked with growing anger in her voice.

Tatia turned to Elena now. It never stops to amaze Elena that there used to be someone in the world who looked exactly like her and it's not just Katherine. Tatia glared at her.

"So, will you be staring at me for a long time or will you introduce yourself?" Elena was seriously annoyed that the first doppelgänger was like Katherine, nice like ice.

Rebekah was now looking at Elena as if she couldn't believe her ears. Perhaps for the first time in her life, she had heard someone talk to Tatia like that, and she had to admit that she liked it. She liked Elena more and more.

"I'm Tatia. Tatia Petrova. And you? You're new here, aren't you? "She said confidently.

"Yes. Elena Gilbert. I live with Ayana." And Tatia looked into her eyes, not looking away. Likewise, Tatia refused to break eye contact. It was such a small battle between the doppelgängers that it looked like a thousand years. Finally, Rebekah spoked.

"Ehhm, Elena? Shall we go on? "Rebekah asked nervously.

"Of course, there's nothing interesting here anyway." Elena said with a smile, walking past Tatia as if she were just a ghost, invisible.

Rebekah followed quickly. When they were a few feets behind the village, where they couldn't be heard, Rebekah finally broke the silence.

"Wau. It was... it was... amazing. I've never seen anyone talk to Tatia like that. Never. "And Rebekah really liked it.

"Is that how she always treats you?"

"Every time when no one is near to hear what she says. My two brothers, Nik and Elijah, are interested in her, so whenever they're around and I'm with them, she's nice to me. But it's just an act. "

"Seriously? That's terrible. And your brothers don't see what she's really like?" Elena asked.

"No. They're completely out of their mind when she's around, and when I tried to tell them, they just accused me of lying, so I stopped trying. But the way you talked to her today was really amazing. You didn't have to do that. "

"Why not? After all, what she told you was wrong. She has no reason to treat you like that. "

"You know Elena, no one ever dared talk to her like that. Every girl in the village and everywhere Tatia goes everyone envies her appearance. Everyone wants to be like her. "

"You too?"

"What? No? "But Rebekah stared at the ground.

"It's ok. I understand. Really. But I think it's useless. You're beautiful yourself." Elena said with a smile.

Rebekah raised her head, and when she saw that Elena was smiling at her and that she was serious, she finally returned the smile. Then, as if she woke up from a dream, Rebekah spoke more cheerfully.

"Come on, I want to show you one beautiful place not far from here," she said, pointing to the forest in front of her.

"Okay, let's go." And the two girls set off again in a good mood, out of the village.

After a few minutes or rather half an hour, they both reached the waterfall.

"Wow, that's beautiful," Elena said.

"Right? It's my favorite place." Rebekah replied, following the small path that led to the top of the waterfall. Elena followed.

"Every time I want to be alone or just relax for a while, I come here."

"I'm not surprised, it's beautiful and it's quiet here."

After a while, the two girls were upstairs. The girls were sitting on the rocks and talked about everything. Elena talked about her family and friends, but so as not to look suspicious, and Rebekah listened intently. She had never had many friends, and when she found finally someone they've been always driven away by Tatia, but how Elena had behaved today. She told herself that this time she would not allow to anyone to take Elena away from her. Elena became Rebekah's friend. Rebekah wasn't even afraid to think, her best friend.

After about an hour of talking, the girls heard some voices. They were male voices. They both fell silent and looked down on the road below them. Then three young men appeared among the trees. Elena recognized them immediately. It was none other than Kol, Elijah and Klaus. The brothers laughed and discussed something eagerly. They just looked like normal siblings arguing with each other.

Then suddenly Kol noticed the girls and he waved at them. The girls returned the wave. This caught the attention of the other two brothers and they looked where their younger brother was waving.

 This caught the attention of the other two brothers and they looked where their younger brother was waving

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