13. Revelation

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"So, love, will you finally tell us what that meant? Why do I see you in my memories when our family was human? Although actually, I don't see you. It's someone else, isn't it? Or will you tell us that our mother doesn't want to kill us? "Klaus began immediately.

Elena turned to him and let Kol be. He needed a while to absorb it all.

"It was me. Bonnie sent me back to before your transformation. Qetsiyah contacted her and Ayana to say that Bonnie should send me to the past. So only Bonnie and Ayana, who took me in when I showed up in your village, knew about this trip. At first I didn't understand what I was doing there. Why Qetsiyah wanted me there, but over time I realized. "

"Well, don't strain us, love." Klaus continued.

"Qetsiyah wanted me to do something."

"And? Come on, Elena, don't want me to compel you. "Klaus said angrily.

"And I thought that after three weeks spent together as humans, you would be different when I return. Well, some things probably never change, do they? "Elena asked sarcastically, a little sad in her voice. Klaus didnt say anything. He didnt know what. That surprised her. Maybe there was some change between them after all?

"Elena, we just want to know what really happened. If what we see in our heads is real. Or was it real. "Elijah tried to calm the situation. Elena looked at him.

"Yes, it was real. Everything really happened. "At that moment, she heard someone take a deep breath and exhale again. She still refused to look at him. She was most feared of his reaction.

"So ..." Rebekah spoke for the first time. "The time we spent together." She asked uncertainly.

Elena smiled at her. "You mean, like how I sent Tatia to hell when I first met her? Or the way we spent most of the time at the waterfall? Or maybe how we pushed once Klaus into the river, Bekah?" Elena said, winking at Rebekah.

Rebekah smiled, and Elena knew it was a sincere smile.

"Hey, I thought we agreed not to say to anyone about this!" Klaus said.

"See. So everything was real. "Elena laughed, and Rebekah's smile widened. Then suddenly Rebekah came to Elena and hugged her.

"I missed you, my friend." Rebekah whispered, still hugging her.

"Me too. Sister."Elena said with a smile, and she meant it.

Rebekah looked at her now, her eyes a little sad.

"I'm sorry, Elena," she said, looking down.

"Why?" Elena didn't understand.

"For everything. What I've done to you in the last year. "

"We didn't know each other Rebekah. Now everything is different. Besides, I didn't help much either. "Elena said, smiling at her.

"So you're forgiving me?"

"There's really nothing I should forgive you. Or maybe it is, but... "Elena looked at Rebekah. "I want to start over. What do you say? "And she reached her hand to Rebekah. She smiled at Elena and put her hand in her.

"I will be more then happy. So, lets start again. "And she returned her smile.

"Well, it's all very touching, but we still have a bigger problem." Klaus said.

"My brother is right. Our mother. "Elijah said. "Why did she want to see you alone today, Elena?"

Elena heard someone step on, but she ignored it. She looked at Elijah.

"Because of you all. Because of you, Klaus. "Elena said, looking at Klaus now.

"Me? Why me? "

"She wants to kill you all. But in order to kill you, she needed you to drink that champagne tonight. There was my blood in it. That should have brought you all together. Once that happened, it would be enough to kill only one of you and you would all die. "

Nobody said anything for a long time.

"That bitch. That old witch! It wasn't enough that I killed her once, I'll probably have to do it again! "Klaus cursed.

"The story I told you by the fire. Do you remember?"

"Yes. It was about our family, wasn't it? About tonight. That's why you said you didn't know what happened to those children. "Elijah asked.

"Yes. At the time, I didn't know how long it would be before I'll come back. But I was hoping it woudn't be too late to warn you. And I was hoping you'd remember that story today. But it was too late. You drank the champagne, "Elena said, disappointed.

"I didn't drink it. I was just pretending. "Rebekah said suddenly. At that moment, Elena raised her head sharply and looked at her.

"I didn't drink it either. As Rebekah said, I was just faking it. "Elijah said now.

"Neither did I, love." Klaus smiled.

There was only one left. Everyone looked at him and Elena finally dared to turn to him. He still had his back to them, but suddenly he turned and looked at her.

"I didn't drink it." He said simply, looking at Elena now.

Suddenly there was silence. No one knew what to say at that moment.

"Kol ..." Elena began. But he just shook his head and stared at the ground.

"Well, I think there was enough of an awkward silence. You two can discuss your love life later. I cant believe I really said it." Klaus shook his head and wanted to walk back to the mansion, but Elijah stopped him.

"Wait, Niklaus. Before we go to rip off our dear mother and brother's hearts, we should discuss something. "

"About what? Our mother wants us dead! I never believed her and I knew why! It was all the time 'family here family there' and look what we've got! Another family murdering! Or you know what, our always wise Elijah is right. We'll go to her nicely and calmly and just ask her. 'Mother, why do you want to kill us? ' And she will answer 'because I screwed up a thousand years ago. You are my children, but you are bloodthirsty monsters and that's why I must kill you' I think we all understand that, don't we? So can we go or should I snatch her cold heart from her body alone and place it next to our dear toady brother? "Klaus looked at everyone and was waving his hands around.

Elijah said nothing, but looked at Elena.

"Elena, when you told us the story back then, Finn was there too. And our mother must remember you also. "

"They know nothing. Ayana has arranged for Finn and Esther to have no memories of me when I return. "

"Wau. So they really have no idea? "Rebekah asked in surprise now.


"You see Elijah, Elena is smarter than she looks. So can we go on a family hunt now, brother?" Klaus looked at Elena with his mischievous smile, which never boded well. Elena smiled sarcastically at him.

"I really miss Klaus as a human being. Kind, nice, funny, no murderous tendencies. Oh, where are the times? "Elena asked for herself but loud.

"A thousand years away, love," Klaus replied, still smiling.

"Enough you two." Rebekah cut them off. "Nik, Elena is part of our family now, so stop acting like an idiot. And as for our dear mother and brother, we need a plan. She thinks we drank the champagne. She will soon find out we didnt. And who knows what she will do next. "

"Sister is right, Klaus. We need to find out what mother is planning next before we strike. In addition, she may already know that we didnt drink it. If only one of us didn't drink, it wouldn't be so suspicious, but since none of us got drink it, she must know that someone had warned us." Elijah looked at Elena.

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