17. Bloody hell

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Esther and Finn were just standing over at a table where they had some old paper laid out and there was blood on it, and it looked like Esther was furious. As the four siblings, followed by one doppelgänger, entered her room, Esther and Finn turned around.

"Mother, any problem?" Klaus asked with feigned innocence. "Some bloody spell didn't work out?"

"What's going on here? Why aren't you downstairs entertaining our guests?" She asked and then noticed Elena.

Elena hid even more behind Kol, hoping that the spell that Ayana had cast on her thousands of years ago really worked and the two of them dont remember her.

"Elena, what are you doing here?"

"Ignore her mother. This is just between us." Klaus tried to draw attention to himself again.

"Nik is right mother. What are you and Finn trying to do here and you haven't told us about it?" Rebekah spoke.

"Yeah, Mother. Why does our brother have the right to know everything and we don't? I thought we were a family." Klaus said dramatically.

"I don't like your behavior Klaus."

"Neither yours mother."

"Klaus wants to say, Mother..."Elijah inserted himself into the conversation. " that we want to know the truth. No more lies."

There was a moment of silence. Esther looked at all her children, and then her gaze ended up at Elena, who was still behind her youngest son.

"Elena. Why did you do that? How? I didn't see you anywhere during the toast, and Finn listened to everything you said to anyone since you left this room. You didn't talk to anyone so how did they find out. And you came here wanting me to help you kill Niklaus. But now you're clearly on his side. What happened?"

"Yeah, act like I'm not here at all." Klaus spoke up.

"Silence Niklaus. It will be your turn soon." He was silenced by Esther. "Elena?"

Why did I have to come here? Elena thought.

"My brother said it once mother, leave Elena out of it." Kol spoke up for the first time.

Esther now looked at her youngest son. Something didn't seem right to her about him. Something has changed. The way he stood in front of the doppelgänger, the way he defended her from her. And he wasn't the only one. Everyone behaved differently. But why?

"Elena, you should leave." Elijah looked at her now, and in his expression Elena could see that it wasn't going to be pretty here in a next moment.

Elena nodded at him, looked at Kol, but he was standing with his back to her, because he didn't take his eyes off his mother and brother, so she just put her hand on his back. Kol straightened up under that touch and then relaxed again. Elena turned around and was about to leave when the door closed abruptly in front of her.

"You're not going anywhere Elena. There seems to be a lot more to it than you're telling me. And since she's here with you, I guess she's more involved in it than I think, right?" And she looked at Kol.

"Let her go mother. She has nothing to do with it." Kol's eyes turned black, dark veins on his face swelled, and fangs appeared.

"Brother, calm." Elijah approached him and put his hand on his shoulder. Kol calmed down again.

"This looks interesting." Finn, who was standing in front of their mother, spoke up for the first time.

"Being you, I am quiet brother. You're next." Klaus said, moving closer to Finn.

"That's enough Niklaus." Elijah tried to calm him down too.

"For God's sake, that would be enough. I'm tired of it. Mother, we are here to find out the truth." Rebekah spoke up.

"True?" Esther pretended she didn't understand what was going on.

"Oh, mother. We all know what you've been trying to do tonight. It was a nice game, I have to admit that. Maybe I believed you for a second. One happy dysfunctional family. With a little bit of the bloody murdering your children, right? But who would notice. Am I right mother?" Klaus was smiling so much that Elena was just wondering when he would just jump on his mother's throat.

"You shouldn't have found out. If only you hadn't found out, everything would have been easier for you."

"So is that true? Did you want to kill us all? And you Finn? Did you know that?" A disappointed Rebekah asked.

"Finn knew about everything all along. He helped me."

"I knew you were a bloody bastard and our mother's pet, but that you would kill all your siblings? That's a new to me about you brother." Klaus looked at him with contempt.

"I'm doing all this for our family Klaus."

"Family? What family? You rejected your family a long time ago, Finn."

"We are not suppose to exist Niklaus. Yes, it was our mother's magic that created us, but even she knows it was a mistake. And all she's trying to do is fix it again."

"How? By killing us all like rabbits?!" Klaus was already screaming.

"Klaus, I'm sorry you see it that way. But you've been walking on this world for a thousand years, and everywhere you went it ended with blood. For a thousand years I was on the other side and watched, suffered, how many innocent people you killed. And so do your siblings. Rebekah, you've always tried to be in your older brother's favor, but he never really let you be happy. Your life has always been under his control. Elijah, my son. All those years, centuries you stood beside Niklaus, trying to eased the consequences of his actions. But he has betrayed you several times over the centuries. Kol, my youngest. You've had even worse control than your siblings in terms of human blood. Sometimes you were worse than Klaus. There was no way to control you when the taste overtook you. For the last hundred years you have been lying in the coffin that Niklaus put you in. I saw you suffering. You hate what you are, so do you Rebekah. Don't you understand, I have to do it. It's the only way to fix it all." Esther said sadly, raising her hand into the air, and before her children could react, Elena heard a crack and all four of them lay down on the floor in front of her. Esther broke their necks. Elena watched it in horror. Then Esther looked at her.

"I don't know how you did it, but it doesn't matter now. I'll finish the spell anyway." Esther took the cup from the table and came to Klaus, who was closest to her. She gave him a drink of it, then walked over to Elijah and did the same thing, she was already on her way to Rebekah when Elena spoke. She had to stop it.

"Esther wait." Esther looked at her.

"There is no other option Elena." And she gave Rebekah a drink. She was now approaching to Kol.

"Finn, do you want to be a human?" Elena now asked the eldest Mikaelson and looked at him straight in the eyes. He lifted his head and looked at Elena confused. Esther stopped in front of Kol and was looking between Elena and Finn.

"What are you talking about?" Finn asked.

Elena knew this was her only way to stop it. She was now focused only on Finn.

"I found a way for you all to be human again. No more thirst for blood, no more killing. Just a normal life where you would grow old like the rest of us and then die. No way back. No more revival. Just a normal human life."

Finn looked at her as if he had seen her for the first time in his life and didn't understand what the girl in front of him was saying to him.

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