|1. a landscape full of monsters|

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EVEN FOR the bright shine of the sun, the air felt cool on the skin. the summer wind lightly played music with the birds. ferns and flowers seemed to be growing on the grave of ones bad memories. all of the pain. gone. moss covering the trees was usually just a compass telling which way to go, but now it begged you to stay and listen to the air that was filled with dreams of a better time. the forest was peaceful and it's every flaw looked like it was on purpose just to add some deeper meaning to this poem of nature. nature wasn't one to trust after her most recent prank on the world, but right now she seemed to just make sense. and in that she brought meaning to every breath one took.

in the middle of this harmony stood a woman. the perfect piece of the nature's puzzle with her gentle smile softly painted on her beautiful face. like it wasn't real, but only an illusion of this weird angle. she had brown hair to over her shoulders. her set of dark blue eyes was taking in the view of the magical looking forest. she then closed them and took in the fresh air. the world in that moment seemed just right and it made her forget for a few minutes that it was in fact at it's worst. she could now just pretend that this was the only place to exist and the real world wasn't even really real. she almost felt like she was a newborn. naive and beautiful. and maybe her own screams of grief and the constant groans of the dead were only the memories of her past life that she was already starting to forget.

the woman let a deep breath out as she opened her sad blue eyes. she couldn't let herself float away or she would have ended up like everyone she once knew. she wasn't sure whether those moments of daydreaming kept her motivated or miserable, but she knew she couldn't give them up or the world would eat her alive.

she took her brown leather backpack off, then opened it and reached for a plastic water bottle. once it was in her hand she raised it to the level of her eyes and looked through it at the blurry world behind it. after another short moment of pondering about everything surrounding her, she took a small sip out of it and put it back.

the woman then started walking and after what seemed like an hour or more she lost her breath and stopped to rest a while again. this time it wasn't as peaceful as last time and in fact she didn't rest at all, because a deep groan fell into her ears. her gaze quickly followed the sound as she reached for her boning knife that was poorly attached to her belt with a piece of fabric. she looked straight into the monster's ghostly eyes as it charged at her while clashing it's rotten teeth. It was male and terrifyingly tall. when it got dangerously close she held it back with her raised knee. she then placed the knife in the monster's right eye and it's crimson fluid splashed all over her faded blue cardigan and face. she pulled her weapon out of it's ugly head with a squelching sound and moved back to dodge the tall body that was now dropping to the ground. it made a loud noise making the woman feel uncomfortable and panicked. the pupils of her doe-like blue eyes narrowed as she scanned her environment for more threats. after finding none she let out a deep breath and walked away from the awful smell of the rotting flesh.

she continued walking like nothing happened, because what happened was so normal. she honestly had no idea where she was going. she was just going. somewhere. anywhere. she couldn't stay in one place for long, not alone anyway. she needed to keep herself busy with trying to survive, but every now and then her thoughts wondered off. the world wasn't always shit. she wanted to remember it. how beautiful this forest used to be without the undead walking around. she just wanted a moment of peace like that.

but then the young woman felt a shock wave of pain in the back of her head and she fell on her knees. confused and panicked she turned on the ground to see the cause of the sudden pain. she saw a blurry tall silhouette of a man. her knife was raised in her trembling hand but with just one push of the attacker's arm it fell to the ground. a chilling laugh spreaded throughout the air. the girl then received a kick to her stomach and intense pain spread across her body once again. She felt like she was going to vomit and so she coughed loudly. she looked up to see the man again and plead for her life, but this time she saw not one but three faces grinning at her. she hoped the men to be just robbers, but, oh hell, they were so much worse. she felt her world getting tighter and darker as she prayed to go back to that fantasy land she was in before. but it wasn't real. this was. so she stayed conscious while she was being punished for ever believing in any beauty of this world.


hello and welcome to my twd story.
i hope you enjoy. if u see a mistake don't be afraid to comment cuz it makes it easier to correct the mistakes and improve this fic.
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