𝔊𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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It was a quiet area, but it was still quite overwhelming for Eren

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It was a quiet area, but it was still quite overwhelming for Eren. He wasn't wrong before, Y/n lived in quite a "village" like area. A small town just off the city. The buildings were definitely different from the ones back home. More stable and sophisticated. As Eren followed behind Y/n, he noticed the ground he was walking on was made of larger smoother blocks, far better than the bricks back home. They were even smoother than the ones in Marley. How did they get it so levelled? The town was mostly greenary, shrubs and flowers decorating the pathway, and the population was quite small. This unfortunately meant that Eren got quite a lot of stares. Why were they looking at him like that? Was there something wrong with him? Of course, there was something wrong with him. He was a demon. Sick. Mentally deranged. A fucking-

"You good Eren?" Y/n asked, now walking side by side with him.
"What? Oh, yea, I'm... I'm fine." Eren scratched the back of his head, slightly uncomfortable.
Y/n noticed this. "Yeah... better not go to the city today."
"You have cities too? What's it like?"
"Loud, too many people, lights, more technology you don't know."
"Yeah, let's do that some other time," Eren mumbled. This caused Y/n to chuckle.
"So, right now, we're gonna go get some groceries for you, some clothes, and some flowers you can start taking care of." Eren nodded.

Soon enough, the two had made it to the supermarket. Eren was amazed by how much stuff was... everywhere. The shop was so colourful, not fromf the walls or shelves, those were completely white, but from all the obnoxious amount of packaging. "Jesus... how much food does one shop need?" Eren stated in shock. "No wonder there were so many fat people on the way here." Y/n hit his arm. "Ow! What was that for?!" Eren growled, holding his arm.
"You can't say shit like that."
"It's just the truth."
"Doesn't mean you have to say it." Y/n got a cart. "Get in," she ordered.
"Cuz that's what you're meant to do with a cart."
Eren looked around. "There is no one here inside those 'carts.' "
Y/n groaned. "Just trust me and get in the god damn cart." Eren finally agreed and stepped in the cart, already too bored of this conversation to argue. Once he got in, Y/n began to push him around the store. Whenever Eren pointed out something he'd like to try, Y/n would 'park' next to the item, and Eren would grab it and put it in his lap. At one point, she pushed the cart as hard as she could, letting go and watching him fly into the wall and curse absurdities at her while she laughed. Soon, they passed the seeds section.

"Which ones do you want?" Eren looked at the selection they had. Two of them instantly caught his eye. One was orange chrysanthemums (those were the ones his mother had planted outside their window when he was young), and blue periwinkles (the flowers by the tree he often slept under). Y/n picked out the last one, white tulips. She had no real meaning for them. She just thought they looked pretty. In the end, they had bought eggs, some cake, 5 different types of meat (Eren wanted more, but Y/n insisted that is was already a ridiculous amount of meat,) pasta, crisps/chips, a few shaving sticks, boxers, shaving cream, 3 packs of flower seeds and a toothbrush.

As they left, Eren spotted that the plastic bags were making indents into Y/n's hands and was very addiment he held the shopping. "No, I'm fine, Eren," Y/n smiled.
"Y/n, I'm way stronger than you. If you do it, it's just wasted energy." She couldn't argue with that logic. She found it sweet, to be honest. Although Y/n thought the world of Eren, he didn't strike her as much of a gentleman. She imagined that if a man tried to open a door for her, he would get angry, assuming the man was insulting her strength and intelligence, which was cute... in his own way. Sort of like defending her honour.

𝕱𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖉𝖔𝖒 𝖎𝖓 𝖄𝖔𝖚| Eren Jaeger x fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now