ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝕿𝖊𝖓

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Eren pulled up to the camp site, yawning as he began to park

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Eren pulled up to the camp site, yawning as he began to park. Y/n patted his shoulder.
"Well done, big guy. You got us here in one piece." Once the car had stopped, she opened the door, breathing in the fresh air and looking at the darkening sky.
"It's as if you're daring me to drive off a cliff," Eren said, taking the car keys and exiting the car. Y/n huffed in amusment, climbing out and closing her door.
"Alright... now where is the goofball."
"Hold on, lemmi call him." Eren sighed, taking his phone from his back pocket and after a few moments, holding it up against his ear. Eren paced while he waited for Jinnie to pick up.
"Hello? Yeah. Yeah, we just got here. What? A cabin? Dude, I thought you said we were camping." Eren placed a hand on his hip. "That's super creepy, man. Yes, it is! Fuck, have you seen the Blair witch project? I have. Almost shit myself."
Eren pulled his face from the phone and turned to Y/n. "There's a cabin up that trail." Eren pointed toward a dirt path through the trees just ahead of the parking lot. She grimaced before nodding and walking to Eren's side of the car, opening the backseat door. She grabbed her backpack then walked to the trunk, opening again.
Eren placed the phone back on his ear, securing it with his shoulder while he walked to her side, picking her small suitcase and his own backpack. "Uhuh. She's there right? Oh you picked her up? Good for you... okay dude, I gotta carry this luggage. Yeah, in a bit. Bye." Eren sighed, pulling the strap of the backpack on one shoulder before removing the phone from his ear and turning it off. He placed it in his pocket before picking his own suitcase and dropping it on the concrete with a grunt. He stood up straight, then stretched his spine backwards till he heard a crack. "Ugh, thank God..."
Y/n's eyebrows pushed down and she pouted. "You okay there?"
"Yeah... just-" Eren rotated his shoulders before putting his backpack on properly. "- my muscles and joints always ache. It sucks."
"Bend down."
Eren bent down over her slightly and she held his shoulders. He winced.
"Jeez, you're always so tense."
"Mm..." Eren groaned, straightening.
"Maybe I'll give you a massage when we get to the cabin," She said, rubbing Eren's back.
"Ugh. You're an angel."


Eren knocked on the door of the cabin, then took a step back. He looked around the dark forest. The trees loomed over them, branches forming arms that looked like they were about to reach out and grab him. Eren's blood pressure spiked. He turned to the door, banging on it more aggressively. Y/n didn't object. She wanted to get in sooner as well. She felt tired.

Eventually, the door swung open, and the pair were faced with Jinnie's open arms. He was wearing a beanie with a baggy T shirt with Sonic on the back and baggy jeans. "God, could you be any slower?" Eren asked, embracing Jinnie and patting his back before letting go and walking in with his suitcase.
"Sorry man, I was just unpacking," Jinnie chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.
Y/n walked up to Jinnie, and he smiled brightly. "Hey girly! How ya been?" He went for a side hug, which she reciprocated.
"Hey Jin. Not bad. You?"
"I'm feeling great! I'm feeling pumped," he puffed out his chest with a wide grin on his face.
"That's how all the horror movies start!" Eren called out from deeper in the cabin. Jinnie turned around. "You know, the newer movies often have scenes where one of them calls out how horror movie-esque their situation is!" He retorted.
"Yeah, well, those ones are shit anyway!"
Y/n laughed, rolling her eyes before walking further into the cabin, pulling her suitcase along. She walked through the living room. It was covered in fairy lights. In the centre of the room lay a large round centre table made of wood. On both sides of it, two sage green sofas. A warm fire burned at the fireplace made of stone and cement, filling the silence with crackles that soothed her. Eren walked down the stairs on the left of the living room before walking up to her and crossing his arms.
"The bedrooms aren't bad. Two beds."
"See, Eren. Look at the fairy lights, I've never seen a horror with fairy lights," Y/n stated, pointing to the lights dangling from the walls.
"Stranger things," Eren rebutted. She looked at him flatly.
"Stranger things isn't a horror."
Eren shook his head, narrowing his eyes and widening his mouth. "What is it then? A musical?"
"Might as well be," she scoffed.
"Okay, well, when a demogorgon bites your ass off, I'll make sure to break out into a musical number," Eren retorted.
Y/n snickered.
"When did you become such a smart ass?"
"I was always a smart ass." Eren smirked.
"Wait. Bedrooms? I thought we're camping," Y/n said, brows furrowed and turning to Jinnie.
"That's what I said," Eren added.
"We are. Like... we can camp whenever. There's a clearing just near here. We've just got like... a backup with a fridge and microwave and shit." He pointed at the fridge and tall boxy table, microwave placed on its surface in the right corner of the room.
"Optional camping," Y/n said.
"Yeah!" Jinnie confirmed cheerfully.
"That's not what camping is," Eren rolled his eyes. "When I did camping, you stayed out, no matter the weather."
"Eren... you were in the military," Jinnie commented.
"Yeah, well..." Eren scoffed. "More evidence that it was the right way. No room for error in the military, so..." Eren's posture sank as he crossed his arms tighter, frowning. He looked away, his brows furrowing. Y/n pouted. So did Jinnie, rubbing his arm awkwardly.
"S-sorry man... I didn't mean to bring it up."
"It's fine. Let's just... move on before I start spiralling or something-"
"Penis!" Y/n yelled, causing the two men to turn to her. Eren and Jinnie burst into laughter.
"What is wrong with you," Eren giggled, clutching his stomach. "I'm about to spin out, and you yell 'penis'?"
"I thought it would lift your mood," she chuckled. Jinnie snickered.
"The most humiliating thing is that it worked," Eren sighed with a smile.

𝕱𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖉𝖔𝖒 𝖎𝖓 𝖄𝖔𝖚| Eren Jaeger x fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now