ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊

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"You took your meds yet? Y/n asked, packing her bag

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"You took your meds yet? Y/n asked, packing her bag.
"Yeah," Eren sighed. "I think I might have to up my dose."
Y/n frowned, zipping it shut and placing it on her back and picking up her sleeping bag. She walked to Eren.
"...We'll talk to Doc about it when we get back, yeah?"
"Okay. Sounds good." Eren placed his backpack on, wrapping the string of his sleeping bag around his wrist. "Ready to go?"
Y/n nodded, smiling. She held her hand out to Eren. He looked at it for a moment, then at her face. "You know. To solidify us making up," she explained. Eren chortled, rolling his eyes.

He put his hand in hers, and the two walked downstairs. They met Jinnie and Abigail, and they smiled. "Aw. Back to normal, huh?" Abigail giggled.
"Her idea, not mine," Eren said, lifting their conjoined hands. Y/n rolled her eyes.
"You love it," Y/n taunted, leaning into him.
"Your hands are sweaty."
Y/n gasped, snatching her hand away from his. He chuckled, snatching it back. "I'm kidding." He looked at the soon to be couple in front of him. "Where's the tents?"
Jinnie held out two relatively small green bags. Eren furrowed his brows. "...are... are those the-"
"Yeah. You just kinda like... open the bag, and the tent pops out."
"Wow. Cool," Y/n said.
"Alright. Should we head out?"
Everyone nodded at Jinnie. He smiled, walking out of the cabin and the group followed along after him.


Abigail and Jinnie walked ahead, Y/n and Eren a meter or so back. "So... you sure they aren't together?" Abigail asked quietly.
"I know. But, Eren is very addiment that their relationship hasn't become anything romantic."
Abigail giggled. "But they like each other so obviously. Look at them!"
Jinnie turned back and watched as Eren looked away from Y/n, grinning as she swang his arm back and forth, her smile just as wide.
Jinnie turned back, looking at Abigail. "I knew they had a thing for each other since the first day I met them. But its been months, and neither of them have made a move."
Abigail sighed. "Shame... a real shame." She looked down. Her attention was caught by Jinnie's swaying hand as he walked. She smiled, grabbing it and squeezing it gently. He looked at her, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. She looked back up at him, watching as his face flushed. "Your face is red," she giggled. Jinnie turned his head, looking away, trying to regain his composure.


"Oh my God, it's happening!" Y/n whispered.
"What?" Eren span his head to look at her. She nudged her head towards the pair in front. Eren looked up to see Jinnie and Abigail holding hands.
"Wow... there's really hope for everybody."
Y/n snickered, lightly punching Eren's arm. "Don't be an ass."
"I mean, I'm happy for them!" He giggled.

Jinnie and Eren opened the tent bags, quite some distance away from each other. Not too far. But just a few meters in case anyone needed... privacy for any reason. Two impressively large, camo green tents jumped out, springing open into their desired shape. Eren jumped slightly at the sudden transformation.
"Woah! Jinnie! How much did you pay for this!?" Y/n exclaimed.
"I have my way, ladies." Jinnie grinned.
"Are you a male prostitute!?" Eren yelled, his voice echoing through the woods, bounding off the bark of the surrounding trees. Jinnie pursed his lips, a bored expression in his eyes.
"Shut up!" Jinnie yelled back. Abigail and Y/n sniggered.
Eren smiled, turning his attention back to the tents. He noticed four wooden stakes on the inside. "You got a hammer, Jin?!" He asked, yelling across the open clearing.
Jinnie froze. "Fuck! I knew I forgot something."
The girls frowned. "Oh... Well that's okay." Y/n said. Jinnie buried his face in his hands.
"Hey. Chill. We can just quickly go back. No big deal," Abigail reassured.
"Yeah, but-"

𝕱𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖉𝖔𝖒 𝖎𝖓 𝖄𝖔𝖚| Eren Jaeger x fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now