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"WHERE'S SU-HYEOK? HAS ANYONE SEEN HIM?" ON-JO HAD ASKED. She then turned to Cheong-san and continued. "You were with him."

"He was behind me, but..."

"Then where is he?"

"I don't know."

"Oh no." On-jo mumbled as Su-jin put her hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

Su-jin looked up and saw Nam-ra turn and look out the window. She new On-jo had a liking to Su-hyeok but she also knew Nam-ra did as well. And since she's friends with both of them, it made it hard for her to support both of them. She watched Nam-ra still but then a zombie came running into the door, face visible through the window. Su-jin stopped and brought her hand to her mouth as tears prickled in her eyes.

It was Haneul.

Wu-jin and Cheong-san both noticed her mood and turned to see what they were looking at. They stared as they noticed a zombified Haneul growling and clawing at the door. They both gulped and turned over to her, seeing a tear or two fall down her eyes. Even though both boys were jealous of Haneul, they still felt bad. For both Su-jin and Haneul.

On-jo pulled Su-jin over to the back of the room, sitting down against some drawers. I-sak joined them, sitting on Su-jin's right while On-jo sat on Su-jin's left. They held each other's hands trying to calm themselves down. Su-jin still had tears falling down her face but not that much. They fell down rather slowly as well. I-sak looked up and wiped away her tears mumbling for her to calm down and that everything was okay. Su-jin nodded as she breathed in and out while biting her bottom lip gently.

✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🔨✮

Min-su, Ha-ri and Min-jae were walking through the halls with their bows ready to shoot. They've already used 12 bows in total, all three of them added up. They haven't come across any more zombies so far for about 13 minutes as they continued to walk. The whole time, Min-su has been quiet as Ha-ri and Min-jae were whispering to each other trying not to be loud.

This whole time he's been concentrated on Su-jin and whether or not she's was alright. He knew she took martial arts lesson with Su-hyeok but kept it a secret from Wu-jin and Ha-ri since she had asked. Even though he hoped she would kept it a secret now as she wanted too, he also hopes she has used her skills soon or is going too as it's very much needed.

Everything was going smoothly until they heard yelling. They all looked at each other before running, trying to find out where it was coming from. As they got closer, they heard what they were saying.

"Damn it. What are you doing?" A girl yelled.

"Hey. Hey won't she die?" The boy responded in a question.

"I don't know. Maybe this isn't the spot."

They reached the girls bathroom where they saw a short girl with short cut bangs and short hair holding a stick that was stabbed into the mouth of a zombified girl. Then they saw a boy taller than her and a little chubby with short hair had well laid bounced out bangs, on the ground. Ha-ri positioned her bow out and let go of the arrow as it flew and stabbed the zombie in its neck, making it stop moving and fall on the ground sideways, taking the stick with it.

Ha-ri moved inside of the bathroom, reloading her bow as Min-us followed. They brought the bows up and aimed them at the two students.

"Don't. We're human." The girl tried compromising.

Ha-ri didn't listen and pulled the arrow backwards signaling she was gonna shoot.

𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙝𝙚. - 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘢𝘯Where stories live. Discover now