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AFTER SU-HYEOK HAD SUCCESSFULLY made his way out of the art room and out into the window sills, he glued his back to the windows as he slowly moved along the walls. His breathing got heavier every time he would look down and see the far drop down. He reached a pillar and tried to cross over it but his foot slipped, having him panic as his breath hitched. He let go to the window after he brought his foot back up and and went back to his original position.

Suddenly, growling was heard making him breathe in and out but was soon interrupted as glass broke. He turned over and saw zombies flying out of the window, along with Su-jin. He stared in horror as he watched her fly and flip in the air slowly with no emotion at all. Her having a skirt made it worst as it slightly lifted up but Su-hyeok looked away before he could see any further. She then fully flipped to the hose and gripped onto it tightly, slamming her body against the wall as she grunted from the impact. She felt a tug and looked down to see a zombified girl gripping in her leg as it tried to claw at her. Her attention was on the zombie as she tried to wiggle and kick the zombie off but failed each time.

"Su-jin!" Su-hyeok yelled, catching the girls attention as she whipped her head over to him and widening her eyes.


"Look down. Down!" He repeated.

"I know!"

"She's holding on, moron. What are you doing?"

"I know that!" Su-jin argued back looking at him and then back to the zombie.

"Drop her. Drop her now."

"I'm trying, Su-hyeok!"

"What are you doing, you moron?"

"Stop calling me a moron! You're dumber than Na-yeon so shut up!" She fired back.

"That's just rude!"

Su-jin looked at the hose and attempted to grip on it higher and pull herself up but the zombie under her pulled her down making her loose her balance and slide down the hose. Su-hyeok saw and grew anxious.

"Hey!" He called but she didn't look at him. "Hey. I'll come to you." He spoke once again, now receiving her attention.

"What?! No. Don't come." She pleaded but Su-hyeok quickly disobeyed and gripped onto the pipe on the wall. "Don't. Don't come!"

"I'm coming."

"I just repeated not to!"

Su-hyeok continued to be disobedient and gripped onto the same window as earlier. He tried to pull himself over but failed a second time as he pulled himself backwards. Su-jin looked up at him and he tried to catch his breath. She looked up passed him this time and saw a zombie looking down at him, clearly hungry as blood started to drip from its mouth.

"Su-hyeok, above you!" She called making him avert his focus on her and look up above him seeing the same zombie she saw.

He stared at it as the blood dripped off its motion and landed on his face causing him to blink. The zombie then started to thrash around and growl as it had now grabbed a better visual of Su-hyeok. He continued to thrash around and then eventually threw itself out the window, trying to get to the boy. Su-hyeok quickly jumped and flew over to the girl, gripping on the hose and made them both swing around on it. His feet occasionally hitting her back making her groan in pain.


The boy didn't respond and started to eventually climb down the hose, wrapping his legs around her waist at first causing pain to shoot up through her back.

𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙝𝙚. - 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘢𝘯Where stories live. Discover now