Chapter 1: First Day of Senior Year

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My name is Katherine James, Kay-Jay for short. I live in a small town Colorado, Craig. I have an amazing life which I mostly spend with my best friends Kelly Chambers, my boyfriend Kyle Landin, and my twin brother Kalvin. Kyle and Kalvin are the star athletes at our school and are the best of friends. Kelly and I are both on the cheerleading squad: also the best of friends. Tomorrow is our first day of senior year."Wow we're really seniors!" Kelly said."I know it's all so surreal." I said in return."Hey look who it is!?!?!" "KYLE!!!" "Hi baby girl, excited are we not?" Kyle said as he walked to my side."No not excited, happy." I replied with a gigantic smile."Why so happy?""Because i get to be with you!""Aw Kay, thanks I'm happy to be with you too and I'm even happier since we have every class together.""I know I'm so ready to get this school year rolling."**BING**BING**That was the end of that conversation. We tried talking during math but it failed when Mr. Dyson asked Kyle a question, you could tell he wasn't paying attention. Then in second period, which is English, we tried passing a note back and forth, which didn't work either. Mrs. Sterling grabbed the note from right under my hands. Thank goodness we only said hi or that would have been embarrassing. Kyle and I didn't have the chance to talk until lunch. I walked slowly to lunch expecting the worst to come."Did you hear, Mr. Jefferson asked Miss Johansson to marry him?" Kyle asked. "I heard she turned him down!" Kelly laughed."No, she said yes and they are in the teachers lounge talking over things." I said while taking my seat next to Kyle."Oh thats good I guess not really juicy." Kelly said in return."So you girls going to Friday's game?" Kyle asked with a smirk."Do you think i would miss it?" I asked."I know, I know, I was just checking. Shoot, got to go I love you babe!" Kyle yelled after kissing my cheek."Holy crap! He just said I love you!" Kelly proudly announced."Its not like it was the first time," I told her. "but to think that i thought our relationship was on the rocks." I added under my breath."True... Wait! Why would you think that?" She asked with an alarmed voice.She caught that, shoot! "Well, we haven't been able to talk, I thought it was getting to him."**BING**BING**This time i was happy the bell rang, I skipped to my next class knowing Kyle would be there. The last three classes flew by. After school Kyle drove me home and decided to stay for dinner. My parents really like Kyle, they think he is a good person and a perfect match for me.

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