Chapter 3: Happy

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After a few weeks Kelly was finally back to her usual spunky self and all of us were happy that she was finally..Better.  Through out that week she became even brighter each day. She was talking with Kalvin more then usual as well. It was nice to have her back. Friday she seemed even happier especially once last bell rang.

    "Do you want to hang out tonight and do some homework?"  I asked Kelly while I walked and she kinda skipped to our cars.

    "I can't... I have a date!" Kelly smirked.

    "Wait. What? With who?"

    "I'll tell you after, I got to go get ready... Wish me luck! Love ya girl! Text you later."

    "Bye... Have fun." I couldn't help but feel a little hurt. My best friend had a date and had known for how long and didn't tell me till now.

    When I pulled into the gate it was about seven fifteen , I noticed that Kalvin's Silver Dodge Cummins wasn't in the drive way. I walked through the garage to get into the house and Kalvin's truck wasn't there either. Kalvin was usually at home by about six forty-five, so it was rather new and odd that he wasn't there now. I didn't think much of it and went to my room to start homework. I was laying on my bed typing away on my laptop when my IM popped up. Kelly finally texted me...

    "Hey Kay just got home! The date was great and I actually really like him and he asked me if I would go out with him again."

At this point she still hasn't said who He was. " Kelly! WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY?!" I typed back faster then I normally would.

    "Well, don't get pissed..."

    "Why would I be... But I promise I won't get pissed."

    "It's Kalvin."

    "Really? Kalvin as in Kalvin my brother Kalvin?'

    "Yeah. I'm sorry Kay, I just thought it would be a kinda fun and it was like a billion times more then what i expected."

    " I am just happy your happy Kell-Bell (thats the nickname i gave Kelly when we were ten.)"

    " Then on that note is he home yet I want to text him but not while he is driving."

    " Hmmm let me check." I peeked out my bedroom door and saw Kalvin walking up the stairs whistling. He hasn't whistled since his break up with Diane Swan three months ago. "yeah he was walking up the stairs when I looked out my door."

    " To late he just texted me haha. But hey I got to do my homework then take a shower see you in the morning I'll be over bright and early! Night night Kay."

    "Night Kell-Bell! Have fun texting your new boy toy.... Oh god I can't believe i just said that about my brother. Talk about nightmares!"

    "Haha Kay love ya."

    Kell-Bell is offline.

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