The kiss

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Dean stood still smiling at Seth thinking about what just happened, he looked down to the floor and walked over to the bed. He sat down and look at the floor. Seth watched dean as he did this and followed him over to his bed and sat next to Dean. Deans thoughts were everywhere, his heart was racing, his face was red hot, he had butterflies in his stomach. What was this feeling Dean thought to himself, did he like what just happened? Theses thoughts went back and forth in his mind, completely forgetting he was still with Seth.

Seth looked down at the floor. Shit he thought. I fucked everything up all because of a meaningful moment. Seth was in shock about what he did. Did he like dean he thought. But if he was dean would never love someone like him, a male. He thought to himself. There they sat in silence for what felt like years but was really five minutes. "Dean look.. I'm so so so sorry I don't know what came over me I just I didn't know I'd do that and I'm so so so sorry.." Seth cried breaking the silence. "please say something Dean" Seth looked over to Dean who was still in his own thoughts. Of course he heard what Seth said but it went in one ear and out the next.

Dean turned to face Seth, he held out his hand as if he was asking Seth to take it. Seth took his hand in his own, and looked at dean as dean stared at their hands. Dean rubbed his thumb back and forth over Seth's thumb, it gave Seth butterflies. Dean moved closer to Seth and lay his head on Seth's shoulder, Seth smiled and wrapped his arm around deans shoulders. They sat like that for what felt like hours, they were both just sat enjoying each other's comfort and company. Dean pulled away and took his hand and placed it under Seth's chin, he guided Seth's head up slowly so they were finally both looking at each other. "Kiss me" Dean whispered, Seth's eyes widened after hearing those words come from deans mouth. "W.. what are you sure.. I don't wanna do anything that.." before Seth could even finish dean pulled him in for yet another passionate kiss, their mouths moved in sink, and as the kiss got deeper and more hungry.

Dean broke the kiss and looked into Seth's chocolate brown eyes, he never knew he could love a part of someone so much. Seth was just stood there looking at dean look at him, it felt nice being so close to dean but also felt a little awkward. Dean moved a his hand away from Seth's chin and rolled on top of Seth. There dean sat on top of Seth, all these emotions running through his mind. So many things he could think of doing to Seth right now but so little time. Seth still sat up just staring at dean watching him as he sat on top of him. Dean moved his hands from beside him and placed them on Seth's chest before pushing him backwards, Seth fell back to the bed and as he lay there confused and a bit pissed off he saw dean smirk. "Dean what the fuck was that fo.." Seth was cut off once more but this time dean took his hand and placed it over Seth's mouth.

Their eyes met as dean slowly moved his hand away from Seth's mouth, dean reached down where Seth's hands lay and brought them up above his head, dean intertwined his hand with Seth's and kept one hand free, Seth look at dean with a smirk before flipping dean onto his back and sitting on top of him. Dean was surprised but smirked, Seth took deans hand and guides it above deans head and intertwining his hand with deans, reversing what Dean did to him. He sit there on top of dean just staring at deans baby blue eyes and his confident smile, before he knew it dean took his other hand and pulled Seth down by the collar of his shirt kissing him but this time it was full of want and hunger.

Seth melted into deans kiss and removed his hand away from deans. He tranced deans skin and followed it to deans hair, where Seth ran his hands through it as they kissed. Dean smirked into the kiss before pulling away. "Take off your shirt" dean said in a commanding tone, of course Seth was a bit of a brat so he just smirked and shook his head. Dean smirked and sat up facing Seth. "Come on Sethie is don't be a dick" Dean wined. Seth's eyes widened. Sethie. I like that name he thought, before slowly pulling off his shirt. Deans eyes gazed over Seth's beautiful body back and forth. From his lovely brown eyes to his stunning body, dean was breathless. "Like what you see huh?" Seth chuckled, dean just looked up and him eyes wide and heart beating. "Your turn" seth said with a smirk. Dean didn't even hesitate before ripping his shirt off.

Seth smiled before pushing Dean down to the bed and kissing him once more, Dean ran his fingers up and down Seth's back which made Seth get goose bumps, Seth moved away from dean lips and started to kiss his cheek and neck. As Seth got to deans neck he started to suck gently leaving purple ish marks all over Dean. Dean enjoyed it and get butterflies every time Seth started to mark a new place. Seth made a trail of kisses back up to deans lips and gave him a short but passionate kiss when their lips met once more. Seth smirked being only a few centimetres from deans face, this made something in deans brain click and he flipped Seth back onto his back with dean on top and in control again, Dean smirked at Seth before trailing kisses from Seth's collar bones to the top of his neck.

Dean Left marks all over Seth's neck and collar bones as Seth did to him but his were a lot more dark, Seth played with deans hair as he did this. Dean trailing more kisses up and down Seth's upper body, dean trailed back up to Seth's lips before pulling away. Dean smirked before kissing Seth so hungry and passionately, dean bit Seth bottom lip which made Seth moan into the kiss. Dean didn't act like it affected him but Seth felt the difference, the kiss got more hungry, more rough. Dean trailed down back to Seth's neck kissing every inch. Dean suddenly bit Seth's neck not hard but not soft either, Seth's head shot back before pushing Dean off of him. "What the fuck dean your not a vampire" Seth sighed. "Don't act like you didn't like it Rollins" dean smirked. Seth couldn't help but smirk back. "Dean I said don't call me that" Seth said an annoyed tone in his voice. They both sit there chuckling at what just happened.

They fell back on the bed and rolled on their sides looking at one another, both so confused about what this meant but not wanting to make it awkward or anything by saying something. "Wanna watch some tv?" Dean asked Seth "sure" Seth said as dean reached for the controller. They lay next to each other watching tv before dean heard slight snoring coming from the side of him. Dean turned his head to see Seth fast asleep, dean smiled and slowly got up from the bed moving the covers off and tucking Seth in. As dean did so a memory flashed back into his mind one he didn't want, he fell back to the floor and sit there tears rolling down his face.

Dean got up grabbed his shirt put it back on and went towards the hotel room door. He looked back at the happily sleeping man and let a small smile cross his face. "I'm sorry Seth.." Dean whispered as he left Seth's room and closed the door behind him.

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