Encounter at the Library

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Remember when i said i hoped today was gonna be fine? Yeah... i did not go the way i expected, i'm writting this at 10 PM, and i'm gonna say everything that happened in the day

I wake up, around noon, My mom teases me for waking up late but i don't mind, since it's noon, lunch is already ready and i eat it, then i fix myself up and rest a bit by reading some comics, at 3 PM, my phone BLOWS UP, with messages from Uranus, Mars and Earth simultaneously, I go check it and this is what each message reads off.




15:15, Saturday, April)

Uranus 😑: Babe where are you?
Uranus 😑: We came here 10 minutes ago, hurry up!

(15:18, Saturday April)

Uranus 😑: Aren't u gonna come?
Uranus 😑: Please babe come to the library 😟


(15:16, Saturday April)

Mars: Bro where tf are you?
Mars: we've been waiting you, Uranus doesn't stop talking about you
Mars: if you don't come, Monday you're gonna get beat up by me real bad


(15:17, Saturday April)

Earth: dude when are you coming?
Earth: you want to stop being friends? 😭
Earth: please answer.
Earth: Neptune?

Great... I have messages from all of them, and luck doesn't seem to be on my sight, so I guess I have no choice but to dress up and go there anyways, I tell everyone I'm on my way and I wear some clothes.

I put on a blue shirt, Gray pants and Black shoes, I sigh to myself and I walk to the library.

Uranus: finally you're here! Let's take a seat

There was a round table with four chairs and we each sat in one.

Neptune: so... are we gonna do something?

Uranus: oh yeah, see that girl over there?

She says pointing to Venus who was picking a book.

Uranus: let's play a little prank on her.

Mars: great idea, what's the plan?

Uranus: uhh.. I don't have a plan, just follow my lead.

She gets a book from the horror section and tears a page.

Neptune: hey isn't that agaisnt the rules?

Uranus: I don't fucking care, it's just for fun.

She says crumbling the paper.

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