Stickers -Dream-

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In this story I was be going with the head cannon that Tubbo, Foolish, and Dream are siblings. So that means Micheal is dreams nephew
The picture below is a bit of a reference to what's going on

Let's say Micheal is like 3 In this

Art by @EPHILIALT on Twitter~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Art by @EPHILIALT on Twitter

                             Y/n's POV

"Uncle Dream, Aunt Y/n,!" Micheal shouts as he runs up the path to our house.

"Hey bud! Why don't you go inside and get your toys out, Aunt Y/n and I will be inside in a minute".

"Ok, by papa!," Micheal shouts, running past us and into the house.

"Thankyou guys so much for taking him for a bit," Tubbo says.

"We're always happy to have him," Dream responds as he hugs his brother.

"How are you holding up?"

"Awful, I have to stay strong for Micheal though".

"If you need anything else just tell us".

"Thankyou. He's just really confused with Ranboo being gone and-," Tubbo starts to say, but he couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence.


"What are you two up to?," Dream asks with a smirk on his face.

"We're gonna make you pretty, right Micheal?," I ask, setting Micheal on my lap.

"Ya, pretty!".

"Here you go," I say peeling off stickers and giving them to Micheal.

"Not my face- oh my goodness".

"I think he needs one on his nose, what do you think?".


"All done!".

"Let me see this," Dream exclaims as he walks over to the mirror.

"Oh my gosh, I'm gonna get you!" Dreams chuckled as he runs after Micheal.


"Gotcha" Dream says wrapping his hands around Micheal and lifting him into his arms.

"Why don't we play hide n seek?".


"Alright," Dream says, "You go hide".

"That should give us a few minutes," Dreams says, wrapping his arms around my waist, placing his head in the crook of my neck.


"You two are adorable," I say looking over at Dream and Micheal. Micheal has fallen asleep while sitting on Dream's lap.

"Your gonna be a great mom someday, you know that right?," Dream says as he leans in and presses a kiss on my lips.

"Mom?," I ask surprised.

"Well ya, not now but.... eventually," Dream smirks.

"Well then I think you'll be a great dad someday too".

"Just think?".

"I know so...happy?".

"Very," He says with a satisfied look on his face.

"We could make it sooner, you know. I'm sure Micheal would love to have a little cousin to play with".

"I'm sure he would, in a couple years".

Dream let's out a little laugh.

"It'll be worth the wait then," He says as I place my head on his shoulder.

It's a bit shorter but I think it's cute :))
May 2nd, 2022
Word Count: 463

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