Part four

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Hunter cried for a while before deciding to set up camp and clean himself off.
Hunter jumped in the river to clean off his fur.
The current was surprisingly strong and Hunter fell down and had to struggle to get back up.
Hunter's fur was now clean but that would never wash away the trama he had been through on the first day of his life.
Hunter found a couple of strong large trees that would make a good base for a house.
But how do I get them down? Hunter wondered.
Hunter looked in his mother and fathers bag before finding a pocket knife.
Hunter slept in the cold rain for days but he knew that one day it would be worth it.
Eventually the trees were cut down and stripped of their bark and branches and hunter found a axe resting on a stump.
Sorry but I need this more than you! Hunter thought as he picked it up and ran.
Hunter chopped the logs into several pieces and stacked them in two rows for each wall.
Soon Hunter had weaved the rows together and made the house walls neat and tall.
2 days later.
Hunter built a wall on the inside and two doors.
1 day later.
Hunter now had his room and a food storage room.
Hunter started stuffing in between the walls with puffs of fur and stuff that he found.
1 day later.
Hunter began building a roof.
2 days later.
Hunter was done with his house and he had built and now all he needed to do was get food and make a bed.
Hunter walked out to go make a bed.
Hunter gathered some soft leaves and fur and piled them together in a sack he had found washed up on the lake.
Hunter went to go look for food and he saw a old looking boar that could barely get around.
Easy meal... Hunter licked his lips and ran over and dug his jaws into its neck leaving it dead.
Hunter dragged the boar back to his house and put it in the food room after eating some.
1 day later
Hunter went out to go hunting.
You can never have to much food!
Hunter spotted a rabbit thing.
Hunter crept up on it an lunged but he was too slow.
Not good enough!
Hunter tried for hours to hunt without any luck and ended up coming home with nothing, Hunter ended up eating day old boar.
1 week later.
The past week had consisted of living off the bare bones of the boar.
Not good enough.
Hunter decided it was best to attempt hunting again but after hours he had brought nothing home.
"Aurgh! I'm! just! not! Good! Enough!"
Hunter heard a crackle come from a bush.
Hunter crept towards the bush and watched a lucario hunting, hunter took one step closer and a twig snapped under his foot.
Maybe he didn't notice.
The lucario turned around and leapt at hunter landing precisely on him.
Hunter kicked up managing to get him off.
"Do you know why it's so hard to hunt? You are running for your next meal, the prey is running for its life, that's why you have the advantage in this battle. I know your troubles, lucarios can sense aura and I've been keeping my eye on you for a while." The lucario said.
"H-hi I'm hunter."
"Yes, I know, my name is Lurctine that is also the name of a far off city, the city that I was born in. I am willing to offer you training so you can survive."
1 day later.
"Wake up!"
Hunter looked around and jolted up.
"It's time to get going!"
Hunter followed lurctine to the berry trees.
"These are great for hunting."
"How?" Hunter asked.
"You really are clueless, prey needs to eat to."
"Now crouch down." The lucario said.
Hunter obeyed and crouched down with his belly touching the pine needles.
"Jump!" lurctine said telepathically.
Hunter obeyed but the prey he was stalking bolted but lurctine leapt onto it and caught it.
"Can i have some?" Hunter asked.
"No, you didn't earn it, no one in the true wild will share with you, the best way to learn to hunt is to be hunting for your life..." lurctine said with a meaningless frown.
"Why are you sad?"
"Oh, just something from my past."
"What is it?" Hunter asked.
"You do not have my trust, you can not know."
"Ok." Hunter said without questioning more.
1 day later.
Hunter's stomach growled and he knew he couldn't last any longer, lurctine was asleep and hunter crept out of his house to go attempt to catch something, from midnight to morning he hunted and managed to catch two small pieces of prey.
Hunter carried them home to eat and saw lurctine tapping her foot at the door.
"I told you."
Hunter ate his prey and was taught battle and hunting by lurctine and her friends.
A few weeks later.
"You are done with your training and you now have the right to know my past." lurctine said.
"Ok." Hunter said sounding intrigued.
"I was born in the forest, an orphan, I lived there for quite some time before leaving to live a normal life, it was hard at first but with a grovile friend I managed to learn their ways, eventually I lost my ways with the wild and hardly thought of it anymore, I was just like a normal Pokémon and one day when I was of age I found true love, another lucario that held a mega stone, we had a wonderful baby boy but one day i left to buy food and when I came back the town was burnt to ashes.
I ran into the forest with no reason to live civilly anymore and relearned the ways of the wild, and I have never felt the need to leave since, goodbye, you will never see me again, you are ready to be on your own."
"No don't leave, I'll die without you!" Hunter yelled, but it was too late, lurctine way already a dot in the distance with her fast pace.
6.75 years later.
Hunter had lived by himself in the wild for a very long time and some people would call him a feral every now and then but he had a good life.
Hunter went out to go get a drink of water in the river when someone pushed him in.
Hunter was being swept away by the current with no chances to get up and save himself.
Hunter's vision was dimming and he was pulled out by someone... someone he didn't know...
Hunter noticed his mother's necklace began to glow and he thought.
She had a note from mew... saying I had a power... but I never did... maybe this Pokémon is the one with the power.
Hunter looked up and his vision began to slowly clear and the Pokémon in front of him got more and more focused until he could see it was a...

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