Part five

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Hunter could see that it was not only one Pokémon in front of him but two.
"Hi... thinks for saving me..." Hunter said.
"Hi I'm mollie and this is my brother thunder..." the two shinx looked at Hunter.
The female shinx was a purplish blue and the other one was the normal shinx color.
"So... why were you wandering in this part of the forest... it's not safe for kids without their parents." A male luxio said stepping into Hunters field of view.
"..." Hunter got a sad expression of her face and slowly walked away.
The luxio looked annoyed since it didn't get a answer so Hunter replied with a lie.
"My mom and dad were with me and I fell in but they couldn't catch me."
The luxio frowned because for him the lie was obvious.
Hunter began walking away until the luxio interrupted his escape.
"I know that's not the true story... where are they."
"Dead." Hunter said dryly.
"They died on the day I hatched." Hunter said.
"They were killed by the cashier and his friend... in turn... I ended the cashier and his friend paid for what he did."
The luxio grabbed its kids and pulled them away.
"Get away from my kids! Murderer! Feral!" The luxio yelled.
Hunter rolled his eyes and took a step closer.
"You don't own this forest do you... I have to kill to eat and that's what I do!" Hunter said.
Hunter followed the river back to his home and sat stewing in his irritation.
Hunter couldn't sleep and after a hour passed he felt something poking him so he turned around.
He saw a shinx he couldn't tell which one at first until he squinted his eyes.
"Hi thunder." Hunter said dryly.
"What do you want." Hunter said.
"I just wanted to say that I don't think you're bad." Thunder said fumbling around with his paws.
"What daddy said was mean and unnecessary and I wanted to say sorry for what he said."
"Go away!" Hunter yelled and tried to go to sleep.
"Also I walked here and now I would have to walk all the way back... the woods are dangerous at night and I'm not allowed to be outdoors at night... can I sleep here."
"Fine! Just sleep in that corner over there!" Hunter said covering his glowing necklace that had resumed glowing when thunder first arrived.

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