Ally's POV

I took a deep breath. "Your okay Ally." I told myself. Not a big deal. Your just debuting with your idol CM Punk. No biggy.

Yeah right.

(A/N: Ally's ring gear is in the photo thingy)

I sucked in one last breath as Cm Punks music finished and mine, My songs know or King For A Day by Pierce The Veil played and I walked out.
I slid into the ring and got in the top rope, smiling at the WWE universe. I jumped down and stood by Punk. He smiled reassuringly at me and put his arm around my shoulders.
I smiled back up at him nervously as the shield came down. They looked so intimidating. I guess Punk noticed the fear in my eyes because he said "They may look scary but I have beaten their asses half a dozen times.
I giggled as Naomi came down joining the shield. Seth and Naomi stood on the apron as Seth got in the ring.
Punk was already in the ring, pumped up ready to fight. Seth came running at Punk but he dodged it and irish whipped him into a corner. Punk ran up to him and kicked him in the jaw.
~~~Skip 5 min~~~
Punk had Seth on his shoulders. I was on the apron my head hurting from the slam Naomi gave me. Punk hit him with the gts.
Ding ding ding! I got in the ring and hugged him. I got out of the ring and walked back to the locker room feeling accomplished.

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