Ally's POV
I ran down to the ring and stood on the top rope. I waved an jumped back down. Natalya's music hit and she came down. Once she was done with her intro the bell rang. Since Natalya is such a good person outside of the ring, I stook my hand out wanting a handshake. She hesitantly took it. After that we locked up.

~~~Halfway through match~~~~(I suck at matches)
Natalya had the upper hand. She had me in a headlock. I elbowed her in the ribs until she lost her grip. Since Punk is my best friend here I decided I would do the gts. I put my hands on my face and lifted Natalya on my shoulders. I hit the gts
Ding ding ding! I stood up and the ref lifted my arm. I clutched my stomach were she kicked with her boot and celebrated with the fans untill
Dean, Roman, and Seth came down from the crowd. I sat on the top rope on tge turnbuckle as I waited for the to finally get down here.
Dean had a mic in his hand. "Ally, Ally, Ally." Dean spoke in a deep voice. I am supposed to be a commical relief sorta character so I said, "I don't have my name repeated like Kelly Kelly." The crowd cheered.
"No need to be cocky, we came out to celebrate with you. And ask you something."
"Ask away." I said gesturing my hand in front of me.

"We want you to be in the shield." Roman said.

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