Dead Alligator At Subway

41 13 42


Portland, Connecticut

Charlotte: *eating a Black Forest Ham sub with tomatoes, lettuce, ham, olives, mayo, and mustard on wheat bread*

Dead Alligator: *lying by the bathroom doors*

Charlotte: You can't escape these dead alligator encounters! They're everywhere! *drinking her Coke*

Woman: Is it possible to make me an alligator sub!

Subway Employee: Um..... Maybe?

Woman: Okay, I want an alligator sub, on wheat bread, with hot sauce, tomatoes, olives.......

Charlotte: *finishes eating and quickly takes the dead alligator with her on her way out of Subway*

Woman: Hey!!!!

Subway Employee: Order something else.

This story was written on Monday, May 2nd, 2022.

A/N Ya see? Dead alligator encounter at Subway! 😵😵😵😵 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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