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very time Shaurya tries to help Anokhi with the food, she snaps at him

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very time Shaurya tries to help Anokhi with the food, she snaps at him. Finally he grabs the cart and starts to say something, but Manager Alok calls for them to bring the crates and interrupts him, so he's forced to watch Anokhi struggling from a distance.

As Anokhi passes out the cup ramyun later, one woman asks about food for her baby, who only eats organic food - and is also a dog. Another passenger tries to start an uprising over the delayed flights, while Manager Alok has to ask some men to stop drinking or they won't be allowed on their flight.

Anokhi continues to forbid Shaurya to do anything, and later, he finds her in an empty room, exhausted. He gently doctors her ankle, which she twisted earlier, saying that he can do this even if she won't let him do anything else.

 He gently doctors her ankle, which she twisted earlier, saying that he can do this even if she won't let him do anything else

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e asks her what happened last night after they said goodnight, why she drank so much, and why she's acting weird today. She says she's just worried about his health, and asks him to go to the hospital since he's still running a fever. But Anokhi gets a call fromReema, who says that a man collapsed, and that she thinks it's the same man who stole Anmol's radio.

Team Leader Vicky casually asks Yash about last night when he left with Manager Monty, and when Yash asks if he's checking up on him, Team Leader Vicky says that that depends on who they met with. Yash claims they just went out for a drink, but he looks up sharply when Team Leader Vicky mentions that he heard Yash is a "Tata scholarship student" (I have no idea what that means, but it sounds bad).

Team Leader Vicky mentions that he knew someone else who was a Geosan student, and that his life didn't end up well. He offers to help Yash if he needs it, because regardless of the fact that he doesn't like Yash, this is a matter of life and death.

ash calls Director Raja as soon as he can, upset that Team Leader Vicky knows about the meeting between Manager Monty and the chairman

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ash calls Director Raja as soon as he can, upset that Team Leader Vicky knows about the meeting between Manager Monty and the chairman. He's scared that Manager Monty will find out and back out of the deal, infuriating the chairman, and making things difficult for both Yash and Director Raja. He tells a disgruntled Director Raja to make sure Team Leader Vicky can't approach them. Yash adds that he'll be issuing the orders until things are under control and Director Raja scoffs at Yash's gall.

He hangs up to find Shaurya behind him, wanting to know what it is that Manager Monty can't find out. Yash tells him to mind his own business, but Shaurya really came to tell him that Uncle passed out from pneumonia and malnutrition, and that he's been taken to the hospital. He says pointedly that whatever is going on with Yash, he should visit his father.

By evening, the fog is clearing and the airport begins to go back to normal activity. Just when everyone feels safe to relax, Ahir's pregnant deskmate, Kanchan, starts to have contractions.

Although the cause of the delays has passed, there are still a lot of passengers waiting for their flights

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Although the cause of the delays has passed, there are still a lot of passengers waiting for their flights. Kitty volunteers to stay overnight to keep things organized, and Manager Alok agrees to stay to help her.

While she waits for Shaurya to finish his work for the day, Anokhi thinks about Bartender Shaan's talk with her last night, when he'd asked her to make sure Shaurya doesn't continue to exhaust himself. She offers to finish Shaurya's project so that he can go on home and rest, but he takes her hands and asks her to tell him why she's acting strange today.

She says she's just worried about him, but when she asks if he has some kind of infection, he realizes that she must have spoken to Bartender Shaan. She swears that she didn't, but Shaurya tells her that she talks too much when she's trying to hide something, which she's doing now.

Busted, she confesses that she did see Bartender Shaan, and that he told her that Shaurya is very sick. He also said that an infection is very dangerous for Shaurya, so they need to get him to stop wearing his prosthetics for the foreseeable future.

Anokhi asks Shaurya if he would stop wearing his prosthetics so that he can get better. Shaurya's reaction is... not good - he yells at Anokhi to stop talking, then walks away from her angrily. He goes to the Fox Bride Star restaurant and confronts Bartender Shaan, who says that he told Anokhi everything she needs to know since Shaurya won't listen to him.

Bartender Shaan says that Shaurya's infection is spreading to his kidneys, causing muscle deterioration, and that he needs to take off his prosthetics immediately or he'll lose something even worse. Shaurya snarls that there's nothing left for him to lose, but Bartender Shaan tells him haltingly that he could die.

Shaurya says that it's his choice if he dies, making Bartender Shaan blink in confusion and argue that he made the prosthetics to keep Shaurya alive. Shaurya says that he wants to live more than anyone right now, but not like that, helpless and in a wheelchair. Bartender Shaan promises to do his best to fix the prosthetics, but Shaurya cries it's his body that's breaking down, which Bartender Shaan can't fix.

When Reema is ready to leave work, Anmol asks her again if she's bothered by the fact that he worries about her. She says it does bother her, but that's all, she's just bothered. She says that she needs this job and the stable income it provides, and that she doesn't want to be swayed by what might be a momentary feeling.

She adds that she doesn't want to be uncomfortable around him, either, and that right now she prefers to be alone.

Anmol goes to the locker room to change, and we see that he's wearing the cutesy socks Reema gave him for his birthday as he wonders sadly if he just got rejected before he ever even started anything. At home,Reema slides her feet out of her shoes to look at the matching socks she's wearing.


Ahir finds Anokhi face-down at her desk, and he proudly tells her about how he handled the emergency earlier. He asks her what's wrong, then realizes that she's crying. But Anokhi sniffles that she's not even the one that's sick and congratulates Ahir on his success, saying that she's proud of him before she leaves for home.But Ahir grabs her arm, stopping her. He asks her not to go because he needs her, just for today.

As Shaurya sits on a bench with his phone, probably debating whether to call Anokhi, a couple of cars pull up and Director Raja and his lackeys get out. Director Raja calls Yash to tell him who he's "found," then he hangs up. Looking scared, Yash tries to call back, but there's no answer.

Director Raja tells Shaurya that he almost didn't recognize him looking so normal, since he was so broken the last time he saw him (standing over Shaurya after his accident). He mentions that he heard about Shaurya beating up his friend, the stalker who cut Anokhi, and he wonders how that's even possible.

He gives his men a signal, then heads back to his car. His henchmen circle Shaurya, brandishing clubs and baseball bats, while Director Raja settles in to watch the show.

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