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Shaurya presents Kitty with a letter of resignation, but she already knows that Bartender Shaan wants to take him to the U

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Shaurya presents Kitty with a letter of resignation, but she already knows that Bartender Shaan wants to take him to the U.S. for treatment. He says sadly that if he goes, there's a chance he'll never be able to return, so he's resigning now just in case.

Kitty takes the letter to Anokhi , who's dismayed to find her worst fears coming true. She cries to Kitty , unsure what to do and scared to lose Shaurya.

Over in Customs, the department manager works a counter, filling in for an absent employee. Shaurya is there helping and he overhears some employees sighing that it's a bad day for this, because it's his last day before retirement. Shaurya makes a point to say goodbye personally, and the manager tells him that they're just like the passengers, passing through on their way to somewhere else.

 Shaurya makes a point to say goodbye personally, and the manager tells him that they're just like the passengers, passing through on their way to somewhere else

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Anokhi tells Shaurya that she heard he's resigning. She asks if he can't just stay by her side, offering to be his arm and his leg, and he thinks to himself that she doesn't understand the enormity of what she's promising.

She begs him to take off his prosthetics and get treatment, but Shaurya isn't willing to subject her to the reality of his situation without them. In a voice filled with pain, he says, "Just let me pass by, Anokhi. To you, I'm just someone who passes by."

She cries harder, pleading with him not to say that, and she hugs him tightly as she sobs that she can't let him go. Shaurya cries with her, but his only hope is that she remembers him as someone who loved her very much.

Kitty meets with Team Leader Vicky at a bar, feeling guilty that even after not being able to do anything for her own brother, she still couldn't help Shaurya. Team Leader Vicky can't say much to make her feel better, but he pats her comfortingly and keeps her company.

Shaurya takes Anokhi, Anmol, Reema and Ahir out for drinks, and clueless Ahir asksAnmol and Reema when they started dating. They choke on their beers in unison, and Reema fusses at Ahir for assuming, but Anmol grins to hear that they look like a couple to others.

They spend the evening playing drinking games, and Reema refuses to letAnmol be her black knight when she loses, so she's pretty wobbly when they finally head out.

Anmol makes Reema sit, grumbling that she's bad at drinking, and she whines that he discovered another of her lies. He tells her that he also knows she only pretends to be strong and doesn't have a boyfriend, and she asks why he's always finding her out.

She slurs that since he already knows that much, she should let him know a little more.

Anmol braces himself, but she just falls asleep on his shoulder, and he looks like he might explode as she nuzzles into him sweetly. Aw, the poor lovesick guy can hardly breathe.

When Shaurya and Anokhi get home, Anokhi asks if they can spend the night together. She stops Shaurya with a kiss when he tries to tell her why they shouldn't, and he forgets any arguments he may have had. That night he dreams that they have a life together, doing normal, every day things like shopping and cooking together, and waking every day in each other's arms.

When Anokhi wakes up the next morning, she takes the medicine from Bartender Shaan from her bag and prepares to inject him while he's still sleeping. She cries as the hand holding the syringe shakes... then Shaurya's hand reaches over to cover hers.

He doesn't speak, and Anokhi says softly, "I know it's hard, but can you please try living one more time just for me? I'll wait for you." Shaurya smiles at her through his own tears, and she leans down to kiss him as he guides her hand to plunge the syringe into his arm.

Shaurya remembers being in the Fox Bride Star restaurant and Anokhi 's father showing him her picture, and when Shaurya grumbles that she doesn't look like him, her dad jokes that she's pretty because she doesn't look like him. Bartender Shaan joins them and introduces himself, and Shaurya regards him suspiciously.One year later.

Anokhi is much more settled in her job now, confidently assisting passengers as she makes her way across the terminal.

Anmol and Reema are still partners, and when an old acquaintance ofAnmol's openly flirts with him, asking if he has a girlfriend, he slides his eyes toReema as he stammers that he doesn't.

The friend invites him to meet up sometime, butReema informs her, "He has a woman. There's already a woman he likes."

LOL, Anmol's face.

Reema walks away, attempting to recover a shred of her pride, andAnmol is grinning ear-to-ear by the time he joins her.

The new director of Terminal One, Kitty, finds Bebo sitting at her desk, and Bebo admits that she's super jealous. Manager Alok, now Team Leader Makkhan, is late to the manager's meeting due to a lost child in the terminal.

After returning the boy to his grateful mother, Anokhi stops to look around the terminal, thinking that it's been more than a year since Shaurya left. Even the Fox Bride Star restaurant has been closed all this time, and Anokhi tells Ahir that she's gotten no calls or even news.

Ahir complains that in this age of the internet and cell phones, there's no excuse for someone not to contact a person for a year (lol, he must watch dramas). But he backpedals at the look on Anokhi 's face, saying that Shaurya must have his reasons.

She wishes him luck on a trip he's taking to the Middle East, then turns to go. But he calls out to her, saying that he plans to stay by her side however she wants, whether it's as a friend or something more.

Anokhi comes upon some terminal employees fussing over something — a tensabarrier that's been impossibly bent. One of them saw a drunk man get out of control and swing it, and she claims that a young man appeared and stopped it with his arm.

Anokhi asks where the young man went, then runs off in the direction the lady points. She looks around the crowded terminal, growing more frantic when she doesn't see a familiar face. But then she spots the dust robot, following a man in a suit as he nimbly tries to escape.

He turns around, and Anokhi breaks into a wide, tearful smile. She runs and throws herself at him, and he hugs her back... with both arms.

Anokhi narrates: "Numerous stars passed by today. A place where they keep passing by. To that fox bride star, he returned."
Not far away, a hand turns the sign on the Fox Bride Star restaurant door from "Closed" to "Open."

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