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"Mom joon get a panick attack in school and he is telling me not to tell you". Tae yelled opening the door of his house.
"Tae i was saying that you don't have to make it big deal about it". Joon yelled back coming behind with pout on his lips.
"Mom, look he is trying to fight with me". Tae said with evil smile  on his face.
"Ow... I didn't even touch you are such lier taehyung". Joon said poutly crossing his hands.
"I'm not lier bug go change your clothes I'll put this in room". Tae said chuckling pinching the boy's cheeks.
"Why should I listen you oh! Dad you're home i missed you". Joon run to his father for hug.
"I missed you too champ how's was the school is that truth what taehyung said?" He asked ruffling joonie's hair.
"Yaa,it was but don't tell mom he will get worried".joon said and sat on the sofa.
"Hii dad I'm here, you're not going tell mother he has having that again". Tae asked worriedly when joon gets to his room.
"I will tell her but you know how joon is so I'll do it later ok go fresh up come to have dinner". Jin said kissed boys forehead.

"Idiot tae he didn't have do that i am not a kid I'm big guy now but treats me like kid".joon entering his room closing the door and taking off his pants than shirt.
"Nice ass flower, i didn't know it's so....". Jungkook said looking the ass with aww...
"Ahh..... Someone is my room". Joon yelled trying run away held back by jungkook his hand were on joon's mouth to shut him up.
"Shut up it's me look at me flower". Jungkook whispered looking at the door than namjoon   who opened his eyes.
"Oh! Jungkook how you come here?" He asked slapping Jungkook's hands away.
"I am here to meet you flower by than mom said i can wait here in your room". Jungkook smiled.
"What no? Get lost don't ever come to my room idiot". Namjoon yelled trying push him away from him.
"Oh! Flower I'll get out of you'll kiss me here can you?". Jungkook said pushing the boy more the wall and closing their distance.
"I don't want and let go off me otherwise I'll call taehyung". Joon said not looking the taller boy.
"Aren't you two were fighting minutes before now you wanna his help". Jungkook chuckled and sit on the bed spreading his legs.
"He is my brother he will help me with whatever i need". Joon said going to shout again if kook let him to do.
"Really? Try than". Jungkook pushed him bed engulfing him.

"Relief, fuck the school". Tae said closing his room and landing on his bed on stomach.
"Oh!hey, welcome home tae". A voice come to his ear he sat on the bed clutching on his chest.
"Oh! my god you scared me to the death why are you here... I.... mean what are you doing here". Tae said rudely changing his tone after looking jimin's face.
"Oh! I was here to give cookies to the mom and dad they told us wait till the dinner". Jimin said smiling but his faced change in confusion when suddenly tae stood up.
"Us? You and jungkook?". Tae asked widing his eyes.
"Yes, he is namjoon room he said he will wait there to surprise him so...". Jimin said but tae closed the door behind fastly.
"I'll come back wait here don't move or don't touch anything ok just wait". Tae said opening door closing it again.
"Oh, ok I'll sit here than come soon". Jimin just said loud enough to reach taehyung.

"Let me kiss your brother was kissing jimin in the library like fucking hungry dog but you didn't even let me kiss". Jungkook said trying to kiss but namjoon moved away.
"That's because jimin said yes to him and i said no to you, leave my hand and it's not revenge game". Joon said struggling.
"Oh! Really? you're getting on my nerves what's the point to being in relationship without even kiss,and it is revenge game". Kook said again trying but joon again dodge him.
"I'm sure i told Mr. Jung that I'll not do that things with till i go your house". Joon said kicking his legs to get free.
"You're being reckless it just kiss you can't let me do that than I'll do it with force". Jungkook said pinning his hand over his head with one hand and grabbing his chin with another to make him still.
"You cannot do that this my house and my parents are here I'll shout".joon said trying to shout when jungkook lips crashed on him engulfing him to shout.
"Try it than flower". Jungkook smiled in kiss.

To be continued.......


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Written by Arya......

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