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"No i didn't do anything in this past days, if i did than i don't remember". Kook said smiling at his brother, they are walking to their class.
"Really? Than who was the girl in cafe in red dress, kook, joon saw you that day". Jimin said, stopping on his way, while kook stopped one step further, he didn't trun to see jimin.
"Huh? He did, oh, so sad now i can't pursue him anymore, jimin take him with you to his house". Jungkook said, he doesn't want to get sympathy from joon, for love or care, he don't need anyone.
"What? What does that mean? You love him, don't you? He loves you". Jimin said, turning kook face to his way, to look any lie in Jungkook's eyes about them.
"No he doesn't, and me too, he is here because his father took some loan from pops and—". Kook said smiling, his smile dropped when he remembered the loan think, he hates it.
"Than why don't you try to love him? He is a nice boy and a very cute one too". Jimin said hugging, his brother to comfort him, sometimes kook is like little kid with lots emotions that he can't express to anyone, but tried to do, but people can't understand them, like a adult should.
"Hm... Take him, his home jimin". Kook said leaving the boy there, he got into class and sat on his seat, while jimin came and beside him, with smile.
"I'll, but you have to come to pick him up when he calls you, got it".jimin said smiling, he will tell joon about kook's feeling for him, and it will be the greatest.
"Hm... We will see". Kook said, doesn't want to talk to anymore about the little boy.

"Here.... I packed all of your things, and your books too, go back to your House, you don't have to send jimin there, he loves taehyung so—". Jungkook said throwing all the things of joon, front taehyung and joon.
"What are you saying? Why did you packed my bag, i told I'll think about that.... But i didn't so I am not going there". Joon said, holding his one bag on his shoulder, while trying to hold another from the ground.
"What? What you want than? Just back to your house, i can't take care of you anymore, I'm not babysitter or anything". Jungkook said calmly, he tapped on his phone, while talking.
"But—, uncle hoseok and dad, hey! Jungkook wait, where are you going without me". Joon said, he wants to go back to his house but the deal their parents made.
"I'm not going listen your, nonsense anymore flower go to back to your house, I'll talk to my father about it". Jungkook said waving, he slowly walking away.
"What about your brother bully? Don't you want him back, i mean, joon is coming back". Taehyung yelled smiling, it's good everything is going to normal his family, he and his bug.
"Kiddo, he loves you take care of him,ok I'm already loosing, you don't have to worry about the that thing". Jungkook said, while walking he turned around to see them, he gave smile and turn to walk away.
"What? Than you are saying, you are a looser and I'm the winner, right?". Taehyung yelled ranning towards kook but stopped when he saw kook was still walking.
"I didn't said that, but whatever makes you happy, flower you can call me sometimes, if you miss me, bye". Kook said loudly the corridor echoed because of his voice, he last time looked at joon.
"Hey! Come back, jungkook it's not over yet, come back I'm not going to my home, what are you thinking? tell me". Joon yelled he doesn't feel good about it, kook isn't like that, what made him think like that, it's so confusing.
"Yes, this is not over yet, bye kiddo, bye flower take care". Jungkook said to himself, walking away from twins, the story just begin, it's not over yet and that's true.

"Mom, dad i wanna go back to kook, call uncle hoseok why isn't he reply to me". Namjoon yelled from his room, his parents didn't answer him but his brother did.
"Bug, do you started to love him? Bug be careful, you said yourself it's not over yet than—". Taehyung said, he also don't want to believe that, but everything is changed in school, in there life too.
"I do love him tae, i do love him, if he can change for me, than i can give him my everything". Namjoon smiled widely, he miss the kook who cuddles with him, and loves he changed himself for joon, he wants kook.
"Take care, little boy, my brother has the best lover in the world". Jimin said smiling he sat beside to brothers smiling, it's like his wish came true, he wants to be happy with his and taehyung's family, it's good joon loves kook.

To be continued......


Have fun!


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