Hoseok was long gone it's 2:39 at afternoon joon and kook was still sleeping on couch, but there is different now kook was on couch and namjoon on him his head was on kook's chest while his legs were between kook's legs and jungkook was hugging him so boy doesn't fall.
A click voice heard by jungkook, with a light he opened his eyes to see jackson clicking his pic with large smile plastered on his face.
He saw how he clicked more pics and send to jimin and his pops he knows that, then he turned on the AC a thin and covered joon and him with thin blanket. Kook doesn't care about that tho, he sunggled with joon again falling a sleep with his flower. They didn't know when and how they came inside kook's room, namjoon rubbed his eyes looking at bare chest jungkook beside him snoring loudly he looked at the time 7:00 pm All most time of dinner, his mom and dad, jimin coming along with tae."Kook, wake up how much are you gonna sleep it's night we are sleeping from afternoon". Namjoon shaked him, lightly rubbing his own eyes his face was swollen because he slept too much and hair was messy.
"Why~ are you doing this? You were so cute while you are sleeping, ah...... Why the f— why did you kick me flower". Jungkook pulled him close to his chest hugging him again, while ke kissed his neck but got kicked by joon, jungkook fall out bed.
"B- because I- i, t- tae hey! Hi when did you came inside haha! I- i am so happy to see you". Namjoon was surprised to see his brother at door frame, looking at him and jungkook hugging and kissing it was embarassing.
"What? Kiddo, don't you know to knock before entering any one's room, spoiled the mood". Jungkook looked beyond happy in taehyung's eyes he smiled when he saw joon looked happy too, he hide his smile and make his way to inside the room.
"Come down stairs every one is here, mom is asking for you bug and also you wear your shirt". Taehyung said hugging his little brother, he kissed joon's forehead glaring at jungkook.
"Ya, whatever..... Flower you wait a little moment I'll be back, don't leave me alone ok". Jungkook peeked from bathroom, when joon noded he got inside to freshen up.
"Tae I'll come with him, ok go downstairs and sit and don't worry I am fine here". Namjoon saw taehyung looking at him, he smiled at his brother.
"Of course bug, i can see that by the way look at this what i bought you". Taehyung saw him a pink stone pendant which was star shaped and he has same pendant as joon but in light green colour.
"So cute thank you, but i didn't bought you anything, i didn't go out today i was sleeping whole afternoon". Namjoon said with sad voice, he smiled when taehyung hugged him patting his head he misses his brother.
"Oh, it's ok maybe next, I'll wait come soon bug". Taehyung said and leave the boy alone in his room, with his boyfriend."Tae, is everything ok with your brother and my brother, will everything change ever". Jimin said tae was holding his hand and walking in the garden.
"I don't know baby but i hope everything will be fine, after tomorrow if jungkook will make up with my brother". Taehyung said, he sighed making his way to sit somewhere.
"He is trying alot please forgive him taehyung, and you did the same mistake i forgive you can't you forgive kook". Jimin said pouting he sat on the tae's lap, he saw how taehyung looked at him with guilt.
"I can do that for you jimin but it's not about me or you or any of our family members, it's between kook and bug". Taehyung said caressing jimin's cheeks he kissed him and then looked around him it was peaceful.
"I sure he will become bestest boyfriend for him, and we will live happily till we get old". Jimin cheered up after he saw taehyung anxious for his bug.
"Hm.... I guess so, but before that can we do something good for future honeymoon". Taehyung pulled jimin trying to kiss him but everytime he do jimin dodge him they started to chuckle.
"How are you not crying now? You were so cute and innocent yesterday begging for forgiveness". Jimin said when taehyung started to tickle him, and taehyung stopped with pout.
"Ah... I told you not to bring yesterday's things ever again, I'm not gonna talk to you now". Taehyung stood up leaving the older, he saw jimin smiling at him he rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"Ok, ok it's my fault—". And jimin jumped on his back pinching his cheeks, they decided to go inside to sit with their family.To be continued......
___________________________________I'm gonna end this soon, hope you still like this story.

Be mine
FanfictionIf you want better life. Than be my wife. wh-what ? Fuck you Jeon jungkook. I'm sorry but I want to fuck your brother Kim taehyung.