short story: the date

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Funny note for you all: this short took place between a certain part of the last story Xd


Greg: thanks for coming and build the thing we need for school

All: you're welcome Greg, same for helping us with that

Greg: you're welcome as well guys

The group goes and do their way to their homes while Greg stays in his house

*Days later, on the weekend*

John: *with Angie and Greg* well, looks like this is it for our actual first time huh?

Angie: yeah, nervous Greg?

Greg: yeah, i mean, i know me and C were together longer than you and Ash, but i don't know how this one goe, let alone with you two and John around

John: no worries, it will go well as it will be our truly first experience all 5 of us together

Later, Cynthia and Ashton comes from the sides side and approach the three

John: hey guys, ready for our official and real first "group date"?

Ashton: eh... *Blush a lot* yeah

Greg: *blush a little* yeah

John: heh, i see, same for ya, C?

Cynthia: hehe, yeah

John: Angie?

Angie: yep, where do you guys like to go now that we are together and all for ourselves?

John: hm... How about we go to the resturant we once gone some time ago when we once dated together in secret?

Angie: oh? Good idea John, let's go guys, you will love it Ash

Cynthia: same for you Greg *turns to John* you pay as the usual John?

John: pretty much

Ashton: *blushing* and where is that place?

Angie: we can bring you there, it's your first time hearing it after all

Cynthia: same for Greg

Greg: *blush again* yeah

John: so, what are we waiting for, let's go now

The group nodded and does their way to the resturant


Ashton: so... This is the place you, John and C gone once?

Angie: yep, let's go in, i think i once saw a big table for all 5 of us when me, C and John came here before

The group goes into the resturant and began search for a seat for all 5 of them

Cynthia: *spots a table for the group* hey look, a table

Angie: let's take it

Ths group goes to the table and sit befofe begin waiting

Waiter: *goes to the group* greetings children, what do you all like to order in here?

John: hold on a bit *turns to his friends* got a pick for the order or i can do that for y'all?

Ashton: you choose

John: sure thing

*A bit later*

Waiter: thanks for the order, it will come shorty

The Waiter leaves the group and does his way to the kitchen

Angie: what do you guys think of this place so far?

Greg: rhis place is really nice

Ashton: same

John: while the order is being prepared, like to talk a bit to wait for it?


The group eventually got a big plate of spaghetti as their order and the Waiter placed the beverage they picked beside them

Waiting: okay kids, here is the ordee, dessert will come later on, enjoy the evening

The waiter goes and let the group eat the food they ordered

Angie: *eating a part of the big plate of spaghetti* just like i remembered

Cynthia: yeah, pretty good

John: i know, how does the food taste Greg, Ash?

Greg: it tastes pretty good

Ashton: even for being here for the first time, agreed there

John: cool, let's enjoy the date now

The group resumed eating but a bit later, while Cynthia and Greg were eating, suddenly, the two ate at the same time and a string began go out of the pile of Spaghetti as the two kept eating it until the two kissed and they blushed

John: *chuckle* seems like now i'm not the only one who had experienced this

Angie: *smirks* yeah

She ate her part of the spaghetti and Ashton did the same, however, as the two kept eating, a string comes out to their side and when the two ate all the string, they kissed and Ashton turns red while Angie blushes

Ashton: *in mind* holy poltergeist, i kissed Angie

Cynthia: *smirks* who's the one thinking that Greg and i will be the only ones to experience this during this official date Angie?

Angie: *pulls apart* eh... Hehe, seems like we are even now *notices Ashton a bit off* Ash? You okay?

John: seems like he got a bit surprised at that moment

Ashton: *shook his head* wha- *turning to Angie* what?

Angie: you still there Ash?

Ashton: y-yeah i-i'm here, l-let's keep eating now

All: alright

The group resume eating the plate of spaghetti they ordered while enjoy the date together

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