6th Story chapter 7: preparation

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Hey everyone, GD here, as the usual, before we dive into the chapter, everything in this story does NOT belong to me, but my OCs and this AU does, now that we did the simple thing, bravo six, going dark- oh wait, wrong sentence, anyways, enjoy the reading


Owlette: wait, a speedy crystal's missing?!

PJ Robot: yeah, i have expected these guys to just pick the vehicle parts, but i "somehow" didn't consider this part of their stealing!

Owlette: then we need to announce the others

Corporal: *comes out of the room* i overheard something bad, is it okay if ya guys tell me what is a "speedy Crystal"?


Catboy: so... Not only we lost ⅓ of the vehicle parts from these two, but now, we also lost 1 speedy crystal, the one item that we needed to keep it in check all the time?

PJ Robot: unfortunately, yeah...

Catboy: *sigh* no sign of the twins i assume

PJ Robot: no...

Catboy: great... Guess we'll need more time before they will eventually show up another time...

PJ Robot: yeah, and it will take more than a night for that

Aquafish: then is best if we prepare anything to get them AND Romeo

Corporal: could think to keep sticking up with this plan, i'll go do something back in my HQ level while they still give us some free time

Catboy: alright, i go out and train with my rider

Gekko: i'll go around find Luna

*On the night night, in Zoomzania*

Somewhere around an entirely different place, Carly and Cartoka are right now in the race track with the "imrpoved" Flash Car

Cartoka: the upgrade is doing amazing sis

Carly: *driving around the race track* it surely is bro, you did a good job there

Cartoka: it's not much, with the new upgrade, it should be enough to prevent that "thing" from doing anything drastic to our Flash Car

*Back on earth, on the Stratosphere*

Around the slightly weaker gravity field, the Flying Factory is roaming around and inside, Romeo is right now building a device with the Fly Bots and Robot

Robot: *brings a part of the PJ vehicles to Romeo* here is a green one Master

Romeo: thanks *places a vehicle part on the machine*

Robot: will that gonna do something Master?

Romeo: surely, the way the machine will work will be fantastic, and i can't wait to bring it in action once done with this AND done another invention which will be the one that will legitimately end the PJ Pests

Robot: that is good to know, but will it gonna go well against Corporal?

Romeo: the armed tin can? Possibility, after all, we have like, a chunk of what the PJ fools had, it's not like i will forget to consider this one like with many plans *finishes building the machine*

Robot: now what?

Romeo: we test it with somsthing small like... A Pen, Robot, connect the device, i'll turn it on and see if it works before make another to ensure success

Robot complies and begin connect some wires on the new device while Romeo grabs the pen and remote

Romeo: alright *clears his throat* test number 2 after test 1 failed to do the job, let's get this thing working *puts the pen on a sizable compartment attached to it* beginning in 3... 2... 1...

He clicks the remote and when he did, the device turns on and the parts which has a PJ vehicle part on it begin to "forcefully" glow and it suddenly makes a clone of the pen he decided to use to experiment the machine

Romeo: test ended up a success, let's check it's abilities

He grabs the pen and decides to draw around a blueprint, only to accidentally rip a fraction of it apart and with a small blue trail and he tried to control until he tosses it in the air and sees the Pen slowly falling

Romeo: test of the test is also perfect, that is great! It will boost my Fly Bot's potential further once i will shove them in that device

Robot: hooray for master

Romeo: *turns the device off* we still have a bit more to go now... Let's create another now that i got something done and the progress got further, Fly Bots! More metal while we keep going

The Fly Bots begin Flying around and do what Romeo ordered them to do

*Later, on anothe night, with the PJ Masks*

Corporal: *building the device* *in mind* getting close to finish it...

Owlette: here Corpy *hands Corporal a little chip*

Corporal: thanks, *puts the chip inside the device and close it* *connects a wire to it and a computer* time for coding, i think i go it from here Owlette, the result will come once the coding will be done

Owlette: you're welcome Corpy, hope this will come out wonderfully

Corporal: it will, don't let this surprise slip while i'm busy after nights of work, alright? It might not be fun if a surprise gets ruined

Owlette: i won't

She gets out of the room and does something else while Corporal keeps coding with his "personal computer"

Croporal: *in mind* hm... I'm close to make one... I will need less time to make more for that, one for each PJ Member... Catboy, Owlette, Gekko, Aqua, even Luna... And Spectro, last mission, he wasn't around due to a light fever he got days ago... And for how many days it passed, i feel like he got 100% better and i hope this is the case...

*on the next night, in the Flying Factory*

Inside the metal behemoth, Romeo has finished to do the same copy of the device and even decides to do an upgraded Fly Bot which was now beside him and right now, he is using the remaining parts for something in mind

Romeo: alright... The invention should work like this, once i activated this, the powers in these parts will pass through the pipe which will then cause the invention to then absorb the power and because i made some reverse engineering to make this work... It will also enhance the thing further and given my abilities to create small things to a whim, i'll be able to get to a point where it will also empower me when wearing it and as a result, the invention will finally be complete, or at least, i think the process will be that, let's do this

He snaps the fingers and gets Robot's attention before putting the remaining parts inside a box and closes it and Romeo gets to a lever and activates it and when it began the process, the device begin emit some 3 familiar colors and the wire begin glow the same color and it gone from the box to the invention

Romeo: at last... I finished it, i think i'm 100% ready for this, prepare for the end PJ Pests, this will be the night where i'll finally end you all and achieve my dreams, once this is done, i'll finally take over the world and nobody will be able to stop me *begin to maliciously laugh*

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