2nd Story chapter 4: Spectral introduction

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Hey guys, GD here with the new chapter a the usual, before we go into it, everything in the story does NOT belong to me but only my OCs, this AU and other details does, now that you got what i wanted to say (as the usual lol), enjoy the reading


On the Next night, Aquafish is right now with Luna Girl, chatting with her

Luna Girl: out of all the PJs that Electra thought to get was you?

Aquafish: yeah, like she knew i secretly loved Corpy like you do

Luna Girl: strange... I feel like she was watching us for a bit before she gone in action

Aquafish: you think that could explain all the odds of me being the victim of the gravity gun?

Luna Girl: i guess, i mean, Electra really hates you judging by the many times she targeted you

Aquafish: true but still, why me even if Corpy is around?

Luna Girl: i could ask myself the same thing, how about you call me for the night if Electra appears again?

Aquafish: hm... Cool for me, i can't see anything wrong with bringing you

Luna Girl: awesome, say, you go to Spectro after some time with Corpy like he usual?

Aquafish: yup, same for you with Gekko? *Smirks*

Luna Girl: heh, *blush* yeah, later then?

Aquafish: yeah, later Luna

The two then separates and do their way to someone

*On the day*

Angie: *listening to the science human body lesson* (well, she doesn't want to become a doctor for nothing in the future, agreed? XD)

Angie then turns to John, listening to the lesson as well

Angie: *in mind* another night without an opportunity, another way to tell me im waiting too much just like with C but more than her... When the chance will come...?

Teacher: anyone who knows what system the heart use to work in our body?

Angie then raise her hand and the Teacher notice it

Angie: the heart uses the circularory system to work in our bodies

Teacher: good job Angel, let's go for the next part of the body now

The kids then kept listening

*Later, after school*

Angie: well, school finished a little earlier

Amaya: yeah, what do you guys like to do?

John: hm... How about we get some ice cream?

Amaya: sounds good to me

Greg: i need something to refresh myself

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