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AN: I wrote this in January when Troye was talking about Paris. Obviously, they didn't spend Valentine's together in France, but isn't it nice to imagine?

Only a few weeks after their time in New Zealand came to a close, Troye and Connor were ready for another getaway. This time, to a place no one was expecting to see them, where they could be anonymous in a new city. Which is why they found themselves waking up in crisp linen sheets on the morning of February the 14th to the smell of brewing coffee and delicate pastries, in their little room in Paris. The bed and breakfast style hotel they had chosen was secluded on a side street not too far from the highlights of the city of love, and the kind couple that ran  it were either too old to know who they were, or too polite to comment. They had spent four blissful days exploring the city, drinking far too much coffee and stuffing themselves on French delicacies. This was their last day in Paris, and they had already planned how to spend it. Which is why, when Connor rolled over and saw the early hour, he turned back to Troye and cuddled in. This was a day for being together, in bed, alone.

It wasn't until the sun was already beginning to fade that the boys ventured out of the courtyard of their residence and onto the cobblestone streets of Paris. Dressed in beanies, their cosiest sweaters, and armed with Connor's camera, they began to wander the streets, stopping for a brief meal at a small café overlooking the river. They had no destination in mind, simply enjoying each other's company for one more night before jumping into the madness of conventions that awaited them back in America. As the walked, the boys quietly chatted about everything and nothing, reliving the last few weeks that they had spent together, unable to stay apart for more than a moment.  Their hands were intertwined, enjoying how they blended into the crowd of faces, thankful that this trip had been kept secret and they were able to just be, no complications.

Darkness had fallen as they found themselves further away from the core of Paris in a mess of intricate side roads lined with tall stone buildings and impressive architecture. The only light came from the distant garden and beacons around the Eiffel tower, combined with the soft glow of the moon above. They were still walking, hand in hand, though Connor kept pulling his fingers away to fiddle with his camera, stopping every once in a while to take a photo. Troye was growing increasingly frustrated with the starting and stopping, mostly because it meant losing his connection with Connor for a brief moment, which in his mind was far too long. After another photo moment, Troye huffed at Connor and turned to look him in the eye. "Why do you have to take so many photos, Connor?" he whined, drawing out the boys name in an attempt to sound even more pitiful and needy than he felt. Connor looked confused, quirking his head to the side slightly as he responded. "Troye, we are in Paris. PARIS. I have to capture everything. I have to have a way to remember this. Beauty like this needs to be caught on film." Troye huffed again and turned back to look at the road ahead of them as Connor kept walking, reaching down to reconnect their fingers once again.

A few minutes later, Troye came to a halt under a single lamppost casting a pool of light onto the rough street. Connor watched as his boyfriend turned to him, looping his hands around his neck and stepping in close. He smiled gently and let his eyes flutter shut, expecting Troye to lean in for a kiss. His eyes opened wide a moment later when Troye's hands danced off his neck, pulling the strap of his camera up and over his head. Troye took a few steps back, leaving Connor standing alone under the light, his boyfriend now shrouded in darkness mere feet away. "T, what are you doing? I thought we were having a moment!" Connor pouted in Troye's general direction, getting no response. A moment later, he heard the click of the camera and Troye stepped forward.  The taller boy replaced the camera around Connor's neck, before leaning in. "What was that about, Tro?" Connor questioned, breathing slightly heavier as Troye stopped mere inches away from him. Troye smiled softly, and pressed his ears to Connor's ear. "Connie, I listened to what you said. You're right. Beauty like this, beauty like you, it should be captured on film."

As the lights of the Eiffel Tower began to shut off for the night, and Paris, city of love, went to sleep on that dark Valentine's evening, two boys stood under a solitary lamp post, lost in each other's embrace, making sure they'd never forget how beautiful Paris truly was. 

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