Chapter 2: A unexpected greeting?

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Looking all around her to this arcade, she had never seen one before and definitely not one like this! It looked to have been placed recently, by the way characters going in and out from it seemed like they was  familiar to it already. Maybe it had been plugged in a while ago? But only now a new row had been directly connected to her outside internet pod home. She decided to walk closer to the edge of the outside of the plug where the internet was plugged into. Making sure she doesn't bump into anyone. She kept her eyes to the floor and paws close to one another to her skirt and bowed hot pink ribben around it. Only looking up when it seemed to show more light to a open area. Looking up at it, and all around, she saw so many different plugs! Connecting to all the different games that was in the arcade. Only now she realised how small she really was, and everyone around her. Even the tallest characters there was still tiny looking compared to their huge plug out-lets.

She didn't want to go back...not yet..she suddenly felt something in her code like mind say, she had been in the internet for a long time. It was a huge place for sure, but she never left her confined area. Wasn't it about time she travels out to expand more and find out more about this place?... Remembering her note pad back in her pod home, that gave her a idea. Maybe as it wasn't as big as the internet, starting here would be a great place to maybe make new friends even! She shyly smiled to the thought. Walking outside the internet plug out-let.

Loonier: *'s so new to see nothing but blue around...everything looked so full, un-holographic like, everything you could touch without it being see-threw, it was so real in's almost like out there when my creator tried making me....the glances I got into their world it feels the same as here! Only...I can feel it for myself in a way...*

She echoed her thought in her mind, still walking into the main Game Central Station, or G.C.S for short.
Seeing the different names of the games before her. She saw Pac-Man, Hero's Duty, and even Sugar Rush.

Loonier: "What interesting names..and sugar rush sounds fun? Wonder what that's about.."

She stopped for a moment to see the names above them. Till...she heard-...a-thing?...

it was ominous and creepy...leaving a tingling chill to her. Was that a character?...or something set off her sensitive ears. Her walking slowly towards the side more of the plugs. She didn't hear it again, that was until she heard something else. It sounded similar but it seemed to be closer than the last...Was she hearing things?

She didn't know, but as she completely stopped. She tries to stay out of the sights of other characters who seemed to be entering or leaving their game. A Surge protecter going around ticking off boxes on his note pad. Loonier saw a part in the distance that had-not so many- go too. It looked almost ghost like....

She didn't know if she should go there to check it out, or just pretend she didn't hear that noise that seemed to be coming from this area she seemed to be inching too....maybe just a little look? Just to know she wasn't indeed hearing things...

It became increasingly obvious, that this was a 'off limits' area. She didn't even see Surge go here.. even with her shy nature, she sure was also curious. The sounds of distant grunts and giggles seemed to be heard. Was she the only one that could hear it, or did she just have good ears-?

She didn't know but what she DID know, was that there was a huge, blacked out, almost endless plug tunnel that ominously larks in the darkness. It looked so different from the other plugs. And slightly off center too. She gulped, wanting to turn around...but those noises kept haunting her. Taunting her even....just to get a little closer. She sure was to dash and make a fast exit if anything was to happen.

With each tap, looking around her shoulders to make sure noone was looking. Her claws tap the softly becoming colder floor and atmosphere under her. Every thought in her mind tells her to go back, but some of the others to her curious side, wants to know why this was here....

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