Chapter 5: The plan...

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Turbo: " might need this. But DON'T get used to my help!"

Walking back into his game. Loonier picks up the sign and looked to the G.C.S, not a character seemed to be out in her sights just yet. Giving her time to put her own plan at play.

Loonier: "hmm I would need a blanket, get that from the internet ads, carve out on this sign what I need...and hopefully-all together, this will fall into place!"

Jumping up happily, she makes her way, running in a chance to get there against the time, to get a blanket.

In doing so, she arrived back at by her home again, looking around in attempt to find any one who could be selling the item she needs. Around her there was so many, but she couldn't see one that seemed to have what she desperately needed at that moment. A sudden thought to her mind, she had no idea how she where to get money to even buy it. As far as she was concerned, she was only going to be getting food for Turbo, not having any idea of there being such thing as arcade coins that sometimes come from other games. Strolling around the cluster of ads and users from the outside. Something happens to catch her eye. A small tiny bunch of ads, that happened to look like they was selling a few homely items. Having that of kettles, towels, boxes, and even a small basket with smaller nic-naks within them. Even with Loonier not knowing if they sold a conveniently sized blanket, unlike the ones back at her own house, she wonders just by the fact they are selling items that seemed to fall into that category. Maybe they where to have something of the sort.

Loonier: "Maybe they have something..EEEE!" A sudden screech could be heard from her as a sudden pop up appeared right in her face for staying still to long.

Ad: "HelllllO there ma'am! Could we interest you in some, fine dining?"

Showing off their add that scrolled threw the different images of said dining.

Loonier: "N..No honestly it's quite alright!..."

Stuttering slightly from shock as others started to crowd her. Getting smooshed nearly by all them pushing into her. The ones, who she was trying to get too, was about to leave. Till they see this taller, blue wolf seemingly inching closer to them. Trying to remain calm, having never dealing with this many flooking her at once. And definitely not the ads for sure, trying to not step on anyone while doing so. Seeing that some of them was about to leave, she nearly goes into a frenzy like state. Now waving her arms to get to them.

Ad (the one she's trying to get to): "Wait guys, look! We might have a customer!"

Looking between her and the others from their little group, making sure they was seeing this correctly.

Ad 2: "Well, what are you waiting for! Pull her here!"

Loonier nearly making it, as her arms was hovering above everyone's heads. Still getting stuck by some other idling users who seemed to stop her in her tracks from moving forward, trying to get around them. As that ad yanked her arm towards them. Taking a second to catch her breath, the others time running slim as they looked at their holographic watches and decide to move to somewhere else to show their worth.

Loonier: "T...Thank you.." huffing threw her mouth. Shaking her fur and hair back in place, the ad who had helped her, wipes off their hands and gladly says with a smile on their face.

Ad 1: "Oh it as nothing! They a times. But hey! What was you looking for in advance! :)"

Loonier looks to their little box selecting, asking if they had any big blankets for sale.

Loonier: "By any chance, do you have a blanket for sale? A big one that would cover a bed?"

Tilting her head looking at them, the second one seemed to look threw. While the 3rd and the forth seemed to be shuffling something in their pockets. It seemed like they also had their own separate ads too. Seeming to have formed all together for one big ad show case. Seeming to be also fairly new to this, as they had little attention to them.

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