Chapter 6: Gameless?...

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After he had shut the door on her, she decided to take a brake and go home for a while. Wishing she would have her note book back, as that would have been handy for her to write what she had done that day. It being her daily diary, she wondered if Turbo had read what else she had in that note pad. How she spent her days in the internet before she met him, or even started visiting here. Would he take her notes to his own? Would he trust her after reading them? If he did so, about all that of a different codely world, just going off the outskirts of it all. Was that enough info for him to give her the job of finding something from there, to bring it here into the arcade, something that could help him get this game out nearly as fast as the day she crossed him. Not being able to go into the internet by himself, or at all as he being a virus, even if going there would have helped him. He couldn't go, as a alarm would shut down the entire circuit to get to it. Virus protection taking him to who knows where...a place no character would have seen. He learned his lesson by other riding, game-jumping moments threw out his run, he wasn't whiling to give up on it all now. However, with a wolf that so happens to live there, helping him so, she could do the 'dirty' work for him. While going to rest peaceful on her bed, how that all seemed to run so smoothly gave her some confidence to continue this, little did she know, it was only about to get more hectic...

As she had arrived her 2nd day at 'business', she wakes early to knock at his door to ask what she would need to do now. Turbo peacefully snuggled on the side bleachers with the dawned sky shinning off his helmet. Loonier outside full of energy, powered by her excitement alone, she looks around the outside of his very plug, getting used to a route to get there trying to not raise any eyebrows. She knocks at his door once more. The racer inside rubs his eyes, slightly angered to having to get up early. Atleast when it was just him he could get up when ever. But she seemed to be a early bird, and already to start for duty. Not even having a chance to drink his morning coffee, not wanting to be in the talking mood, he goes into his house, takes the note pad, and writing what he wants her to do in notes. Loonier outside waiting, she puffed her cheeks.

Loonier: "For someone who wants to get this completed, he is rather lazy..."

As Turbo was walking to the door she was behind, he had heard her mutter the last words. What only made him growl annoyed, pushing the note between the door. Having put a big, "AND I HAVE YA KNOW, IM NOT LAZY >:(!!" all in caps with a big circle around it. Grabbing this note Loonier looks at, she saw it also has the same as yesterday.

Loonier: "I thought he wanted to discuss the plan?...maybe later then- he could atleast give me a time-.."

Turbo: "Watch it Wolfo! Ya are working for me! I'm your BOSS! We do things MY way!"

He shouted with a slightly crocky voice to her, Loonier squeaking back, leaning to the door to whisper to him-

Loonier: "S..sorry.."

She says softly, not wanting to cause conflict.

Turbo: "...that's what I thought!"

Stomping over to the coffee machine back in his house, he started to brew, Loonier had her blanket ready. Seeing also the coins in her hidden skirt pockets. Maybe they could pay for the blanket she had at hand. Now only waiting on the time when the game characters come out, she sits by Turbo's door, taking a moment to lean her head back. The coldness of the metal of it didn't seem to affect as much now. Somehow getting used to its feel after knocking on it so often. It seemed to have chilled her out a bit. She kinda felt for a second how Turbo must feel when sitting right where she was. Having yet another vision of her family in a way for some reason. Still having visions of them every now and then, even seeing her may still existent, other brother.

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