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It was a pleasant evening, with the moonlight peeking through Mari and Sunny’s bedroom. Mari was currently fidgeting with all kinds of miscellaneous items on her desk. And although she wasn’t an expert in alchemy, nor inventing new devices, Mari knew what she was doing. Probably. Regardless, her brother was bothered with her late-night project, “Mari… Can you… finish that… tomorrow? It’s getting… late…”

Despite Mari trying to make an effort to listen to Sunny’s complaints more, she kept on working on her project. “Just a second Sunny, I just got to… Hold on this goes… And… There!” Once she had assembled everything, she proudly held up her completed device.

“It’s… a toaster?” Sunny confusedly asked with his dry voice. Indeed it appeared to be a standard toaster, despite the plethora of vials, meters, and other doo-dads decorating it.

“Oh this is no ordinary toaster, my dear brother,” Mari explained. “This device is capable of producing not just the finest of toast, but by using a crushed white egret orchid in this container, it can allow transportation into someone’s dream.”

“So it’s… just a… simplified version of… whatever it was… you did for Basil and me?”

“Pretty much, but with this, it’ll save us a lot of time from having to complete a ritual every night.” Mari set the device down and crawled into her own bed.

“Wait Mari… why would we… need to go into… dreams every night?” Sunny asked while sitting up from his bed, alarmed at his sister’s words.

Mari just laid in bed, but still focused her attention upon her little brother. “Did you know that humans spend a third of their life asleep, Sunny?” she asked. “Well with what little time we have this summer to prepare you for going back to school, we’re going to need every second of that time. Besides, I want to explore this Headspace of yours.”

Her brother sat there with an expression looking as if he wanted to object. Yet he just went back underneath his covers. Perhaps he liked the idea of his sister coming inside of his sanctuary, even if it was to do some studying. The two siblings drifted to sleep, and a thin gas expelled itself from the dream device, as everything faded to white.

Welcome to HeadSpace

You’ve been here before


The same loud voice from the first time Mari entered her brother’s mind greeted the two of them. Except they were not in the blank white field from before. Examining her surroundings, it appeared to be a brightly colored room with various toys and knick-knacks scattered around. Not to mention the large yellow cat that watched their movements.

Mari was in her fantasy world attire yet again and placed her large white mask off of her face and onto a nearby counter. After learning of what Something was and how its eye had an uncanny similarity to the design of her mask, she decided it was best she stopped wearing it. Once she was done with that and observing anything of interest in the room, she approached her brother who was facing a large white door casting a faint shadow.

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