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I'd clutched my stuffed rabbit's hand while waving goodbye to my mom. I had felt my bottom lip quivering and hugged Twitchy to my chest. As I did, a boy with a floppy fringe came over to me and smiled. I had grinned back, showing off my tiny teeth. "Will you marry me?" the boy had asked.

"No, silly. We're too young, and you know what my dad thinks of you."

He'd giggled at my statement. "I don't know your dad though!"

"He has his ideas. What's your name? Mine's Celia!" 

"I'm Shawn. Where do you live?"

"I live in an apartment on Lincoln Lane!"

"Is that the road by the trailer park?"


"I live in the trailer park with my mommy and daddy. I call our trailer Cory!"


"You ask a lot of questions don't you?" he'd folded his arms, raising his eyebrow.

I'd then asked him if he'd like to play in the sandbox, and told him that one day he needed to teach me how to raise one eyebrow.

We'd held hands and skipped outside to the wooden sandbox, and sat there until lunchtime, when we ate together, and I gave him my juice box for his New Coke.


Around a year later, we had gone to the zoo together. We had a tub of ice cream each for lunch and were sat on a bench having 6-year-old size spoonfuls when a curly haired boy skipped past with a group of other kids. "Hey! Wanna have lunch with us?" Shawn called to the boy.

"I don't think I should. Those guys said that you live in the trailer park and I shouldn't like you." he replied

"Oh well! If you wanna have lunch with us, we'll be right here!" my best friend called back before smiling at a girl who was running around with the curly-head.

Minutes later, there was a yelp from the llama pen.

"Hey Topanga! Look, I'm a llama! I'm a l-l-". The boy screamed as he fell off the wall onto the ground on the other side.

We both glanced up from our ice cream to see the other children fussing over what to do. The girl we had seen before sighed "I told you not to go near the llamas!" . The other kids ran off while Topanga (the girl) stayed with him, yelling for help. Shawn and I wandered over and he leaped over the wall, helping the boy to get out.

"Hey, thanks for pulling me out the llama pen." he said.

"It was fun." Shawn replied, nonchalantly.

"My names Cory!"

"Like your trailer!" I whispered.

"I'm Shawn! This is Celia."

"I'm Topanga." the girl smiled.

"The wife." Cory smirked.

And that, is how I met my best friends.


err so ive just revisited wattpad, and its been a long time since this books had any updates which is disappointing cuz i loved this one - anyhoo, ill be back on it more and try to update, for now im just editing the books slightly xx

make you feel my love - shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now