Part 1

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Eric's POV

I sat across the table from Gerald and Sheila, watching them exchange glances and the occasional kiss. I couldn't help but feel jealous. I should've been happy for my sister, but all I could feel was sympathy towards her and her superficial relationship.  I knew Gerald wasn't really faithful and was only marrying her for the sake of business- I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I thought of how pathetic it was.

"You're squiffy-"

"I'm not." I glared at Sheila, which she laughed off. I tuned into Gerald and father's conversation.

"Your engagement to Sheila means a tremendous lot to me". My fist gripped the port so hard my fingers began to turn white. I couldn't bear to hear my father speak so lovingly of their relationship, knowing if it were me in Sheila's place we would only be met with disapproval.

"Why her?" I thought, as my sympathy soon turned to resentment. 

I felt a hand on my lap, quickly snapping me out of my red haze. I looked up and met eyes with Gerald. Both our gazes lingered briefly. I thought I saw him slightly blush before his face dropped and he turned back to Sheila, as if nothing had happened. 

My false hope didn't last long, as Gerald cleared his throat before taking out a ring box from his pocket. My heart dropped. He got on one knee and presented it to Sheila as I fought back tears. I was aware of their engagement, but it suddenly occurred to me the reality of my forbidden feelings.

"Oh, it's wonderful! Look – mummy – isn't it a beauty?" Sheila showed off the ring with sparkling eyes, meanwhile my vision going blurry from tears. I felt my throat close up as Sheila kissed Gerald hastily.

"Steady the buffs" I scoffed.

I zoned out whilst father rambled about business, marriage, community. Mother and Sheila left the room at some point, and I felt the atmosphere between Gerald and I change significantly. 

"Want another glass of port?" Father asked. He barely finished the question before I was helping myself. 

All of a sudden we heard the sharp ring of the doorbell, shortly followed by Edna, the maid.

"Please, sir, an inspector's called. He wants to speak to you. He says it's important"

Me and Gerald exchanged confused glances.

"All right Edna, show him in here." Edna leaves and father turns to us. "I'm still on the bench. It may be something about a warrant."

Gerald smirked, "Sure to be, unless Eric's been up to something." He chuckled and turned to look at me as if seeking my approval. "Here, what do you mean"?

"Only something we were talking about when you were out. A joke really." He said softly, and playfully touched my arm. His hand lingered there for just long enough to make my heart skip a beat.

Edna opened the door, revealing a serious-looking man wearing a dark suit. He looked hard at father, not acknowledging me or Gerald.

"Mr Birling?"

To be continued

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