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Hello there!

Ashida here! This is my second fanfic and it's all about the famous Akame Ga Kill! Yay! It's my second favorite anime. Lol. Anyway, the the main character will be one of my OC's and I hope that you'll like him. Yes, he's a boy! :)

This will contain gory scenes, mature language and so on and so fort. If you are not prepared to imagine or read gory and morbid scenes then, I suggest, you don't continue reading it. :)

I'm currently doing my best to make this one interesting enough for you guys to read and I'm hoping that you'll like the plot as well. Yes, I know it contains many misspelled words and wrong grammars but, don't worry, I'll work on that.

Please don't hesitate to tell me your honest opinion about it. Wether it's good or bad, I still accept them because I believe that it will be a form of lesson to me. ;)

So, there it is! Enjoy!

Love, AshidaTsukimiya

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