Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


After Leone finished touring me around, we went to the living room to take a rest. Their hideout is so vast and spacious. They have a large bath in the hot springs, training room as where Akame and I spared, their dining room is great with each and everyone having a seat and the table is huge, the bedrooms are equally spacious and comfortable, and now, their living room is cozy with couches, pillows and sofas.

And wow, their kitchen has all the utensils for cooking and their refrigerator is always stocked up with different kinds of food. I bet they always hunt to keep it stocked up.

Basically, their hideout is like a perfect home. They even have a meeting room. Their basement really is a nice place. For criminals, I didn't expect them to be so organize with their house.

"So, you like the place?" Leone asked cheerily.

"Yeah. This place is so nice," I remarked.

"So, wanna work with us or work behind the scenes?"

A question popped up in my head as her offer intrigue me. "What exactly do you do?"

An evil grin crept on her lips as her eyes slightly narrowed into a wicked gaze. The cheerful aura around her was immediately replaced by blood thirst and murderous intent.

"I thought it was obvious.. That we are assassins," she stated.

"We take up requests and kill people for money," the pink haired shorty appeared from behind the couch where Leone was sitting.

"Oh, Main. What's up?"

The girl named Main sat beside Leone and began eating her strawberry parfait leisurely.

"Very famous criminals who stirred up the capital. Just hearing our names will make them weak to their knees," Lubbo said as he wore a haughty grin while putting his hands on his pocket.

"Basically, we're the most wanted on the list. We have high bounties up on our heads," Tatsumi remarked, sitting beside Leone as he served me a cup of tea and Leone a bottle of booze.

"Who are you guys?" I inquired, cocking my eyebrow while crossing my arms.

"Night Raid," Akame replied just as she entered the living room. "That's the name of this assassination squad."

My eyes widened in disbelief. Hearing the name Night Raid made me feel threatened as I remembered what Esdeath told me. Each of them are using Teigus and they're the most troublesome bunch that sent terror to the capital.

I gulped the lump of fear growing in my throat as I felt a sweat running down the side of my forehead.

"Scared?" Leone asked while smirking evilly.

However, on the other side of my fear, excitement was stirring up in me.

Because I finally found my target..

Night Raid, I finally found your basement. Just thinking about this makes me feel elated.. I can get rid of these pests and be rewarded when I come back to the capital. Esdeath will acknowledge me and I will be praised by the other members of jaegers.

And when that happens, I might be recognized as a person, not just some dog of Esdeath..

"On the contrary, I think this'll be fun," I stated as a small chuckle escaped my lips.

"This isn't what I had expected but, sorry to burst your bubble, we don't just kill anyone. We only kill the evil people of the capital. You know the ones who did illegal business and the like," Tatsumi stated who was slightly disappointed at me for my dark behavior. "We're not exactly the ones who are evil."

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