Are you a Serial Killer?

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Spencer takes a deep breath. He clutched the flower bouquet he brought in in his hand. He leaned against the side of his car. His eyes kept fliting to his watch. Should I go to the door? No. Sophia had made the point that Charley would just find a way to make his nervous. They were keeping this date under wraps. Why complicate things more than they needed to be.

As if on que, Sophia exited the building. The champagne colour of her silky vest top that she had tucked into her jeans reflected off her skin. It was like seeing the reflection of gentle ripples of water. As she stepped out, she huddled up in her chunky cardigan to protect her from the breeze, but Spencer wanted to slip it off her shoulder so that he could be mesmerised by her skin again.

Spencer jolted forward, taking his weight off the car. "You look beautiful," he couldn't help but grin. He held out the flowers for her. "These are for you."

"Thanks," she took the flowers, immediately the scenting wafting towards her. They smelt citrusy. "Wow these smell amazing."

Spencer looked down as his feet shuffled. "They reminded me of you."

Sophia mouth turned up in a coy smile she couldn't hide.

Spencer held open the car door for. That's when she noticed the way his black sweater hugged to the contours of his arms. The relaxed white shirt that poked out at the collar and bottom of the sweater. His slacks were relaxed but tight at the same time. She had to quickly look away. She didn't need to give her thoughts away to early in the night.

It was too late. Spencer noticed.

Her circled around to the driver's side.

"So where are we going?" She continued to inspect her flowers. But before he could answer, she cut in again. "By the way, I'm paying for at least half the date. No ifs or buts about that."

"That won't be necessary." Spencer chuckled as he drove off.

"No," Sophia dangerously waggled her finger. "Spenc..."

But Spencer caught her hand before she could carry on. "Shhh..." He silenced her. "You'll see." He kissed her hand, before turning back to the road, but he didn't let her hand go, instead holding the entire way in the middle console.

After what seemed like forever for Sophia, Spencer pulls up to imposing gate. Sophia raised her eyebrow as Spencer. He ignored as he rolled down the window and spoke to the security in brief, hushed whispers.

Sophia tried to listen in. But Spencer was done. The security opened the gate and ushered them in.

Sophia couldn't help but be in edge as they turned off the lit driveway onto a dark off-road path. "Should I be worried. Is this the point where you do a 180 and turn out to be a serial killer?"

Spencer chuckled. "It would be a good cover, wouldn't it?" Then he abruptly hit the brake and the car came to a jerking stop. "Do you trust me?" He drew patterns with fingers on Sophia's hand.

"Would I be here if I didn't?"

He intertwined his fingers with hers. "That's not what I asked?"

Her answer surprised him. "I don't know you, Spencer Reid. So, you tell me. Can I trust you?"

Spencer held her eye. This one was something else. Yet she was so familiar. She had him questioning himself. She made him feel a way he had only felt once before. And that didn't end well. "Only time will tell." Spencer got out the car and led Sophia down a path on foot. She blindly followed. Quiet literally she could barely see, one misstep and it would be a visit to the ER for sure. That was until she saw the flickering candles and lantern in at bottom of the path.

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