Confusing thoughts

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You are welcome for that last scene Qinter lovers! (·ω)

- Qibli POV -

His dreams were filled with Moon and Winter. The dreams were weird for one second he'd be with Moon and then the other with Winter. It was like that all night long until he woke up suddenly.

Oh my... My mind really does like to wander.
Except he wishes to have those dreams again. He couldn't tell if it was because of Moon or Winter... Or both..

I got up and sat at the desk beneath my bed. My bed was super cool. It was like a bunk bed but instead of a bed on the bottom it had a desk. Honestly he loved the whole dorm. It gave a nature vibe, stone walls, in the shape of an igloo, just bigger, and there was moss going down the walls to the floor. He couldn't help but be in love with everything in the school. I wonder how Winter feels about the school.
Qibli was a little too hot.. Somehow, he honestly didnt understand how but he just was used to the cold now. But he still wished to be out on the desert sand, running around, feeling the sand between his talons. He snapped back to reality and realized that Winter was uncomfortablely rolling around on his bed.
Of course Qibli wanted to help, or at least try to help in some way but he just didn't know how. He went over and touched one of Winter's talons. Is this normal? Would I do this if it were Kinkajou or Turtle in Winter's spot? Qibli couldn't shack off this feeling. It just felt right.

Winter stopped rolling around and instead started... Smiling. It was the first time he'd every seen Winter smile.. Or at least in a long time.
Woah.. He is so cute when he smiles
Qibli laughed and acted like that thing he just said in his head was platonic love.
Then Qibli finally got tired again and went back to sleep.

- Winter POV -

Last night was weird. Qibli was acting weird and Winter kept dreaming about scavengers invading the world and kidnapping Qibli and Moon. I wasn't complaining though, at least it wasn't something like he caught Moon and Qibli kissing or something. He was VERY glad that wasn't his dream
Meanwhile Qibli
Qibli was jealous of Winter in that dream, or maybe Moon...
He still couldnt shake off that feeling for Winter
He doesn't understand how it got there or when for that matter... Maybe when we watched Moon fly away with Darkstalker? Why was he just noticing it now then?

- Winter POV -

"Hey Mr. OK! BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! I WAS THINKING What's our first class? " I asked the sand sniffer when our first class was, and reminding him of last night at the same time to tick hin off.

"Ok, first of all : DONT CALL ME THAT! Second of all: The whole Jade Winglet
Will have History first." Qibli said.

"Really..? Ugh i hate history" Winter was bummed out. He hated history, and it just HAD TO BE first.

"Well we better get ready Winter! First period is in 15 minutes!"

~Catching Feelings~ (Qinter)Where stories live. Discover now