(R) Spending Time with xChocoBars

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"...hey... wake up, baby..."

Your eyes softly flutter open, and a drowsy smile grows on your face as Imane tilts your chin up for a kiss.

"Good morning..." You groan out.

"Good morning."

"I love waking up to you..." You rub your eyes, yawning and stretching your arms and legs out with a deep sigh.

"Me too. We should do it more often," Imane giggles, giving you another kiss.

You sit up in bed, seeing Imane change into her new outfit for the second day of Coachella.

"You're changing already?" You ask.

"Yeah! We don't have much time to waste! It's COACHELLA!"

"Ugh..." You groan, not wanting to drag yourself out of bed so soon. Your eyes gently fall shut, your body still fatigued from yesterday.

A ring from your phone snaps you awake, and it takes a second for you to locate the sound from the bedside table.

You stretch your body to grab it, then hold the device up to your ear.



"Janet! What's up?"

Imane turns her head in interest, wondering why Janet was calling you so early in the morning.

"So, I was wondering... since we didn't get to hang out yesterday, could we spend some time together today?" She hopefully inquires.

"Yeah, of course!"

"YAY!! Are you already changed? Because I'm about to head down for breakfast."

"Oh... I'm not right now, but I'll change ASAP!"

After a quick goodbye, you set down your phone and leap off the bed, moving to your suitcase to find some fresh clothes.

"You seemed so tired a minute ago - what's got you up and about so quickly?" Imane asks.

"Oh, Janet asked me to come down for breakfast with her. We're gonna spend some time together today."

"Oh, ok... Have fun!" Imane says.

You detect a subtle hint of disappointment in her tone, and you turn around, catching her gaze and silently questioning her.

"What?" She replies.

"Is that ok with you?" You earnestly ask.

"Of course it is! I... I just..."

"What is it, hun?"

"...you seemed pretty excited to hang out with her..." She says, trying to pass it off as a nonchalant observation.

You stand up, taking a few steps until you ended up behind her, and wrap your arms around her.

"I'm ok, I'm ok," she says, gently trying to push you away.

"Are you sure? You're not feeling a little... jealous, are you?" You resist her push.

She sighs, letting you keep her in your embrace.

"It's such a tiny thing... I shouldn't be bothered by it."

"It doesn't matter if it's a tiny thing. Your feelings matter to me."

"I know, and you're... you're amazing for caring. But I really feel like this is just something I should get over. You're dating other girls too, and I have to get used to that."

You spin her around to face you and squeeze her, making her release a soft smile as you clutch her to your chest.

"I love you. If you ever feel like I'm not spending enough time with you, or that I'm taking you for granted... let me know."

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