The Pride Comes Before the Fall

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Ah... comfy 3AM streams... it's been a while since I've done one of these.

Poki smiles as she turns on her computer, ready to start streaming through the night. She cracks her knuckles and rolls her neck, preparing herself for hours of sitting and gaming.

Her phone suddenly vibrates on her desk, and she stares at it for a moment before picking it up.


"Hey, Imane..." Kyedae tiredly replies.

"Is everything ok?" Imane asks.

"Yeah, uh... listen... I'm gonna get straight to it," Kyedae says tentatively. "How's your relationship going?"

"My... relationship...?" Imane repeats, ensuring she heard her correctly.


"It's... going great. We're going pretty steady now, so I can't say there's any new developments, but... I love it. I love him," she clarifies, smiling.

"Oh..." Kyedae hesitates.

"Why do you ask?" Imane asks, growing a little concerned.

"Um... are you sure? There's nothing... off about him? Does he seem different lately?" Kyedae pushes.

" Why would he?" Poki asks, starting to get suspicious.

"So... you have no complaints..."

"Why are you asking me this?" Imane forcefully asks. "What's going on?"

"I'm sorry, I just... wanted to see..." Kyedae mutters.

"Wanted to see what?" Poki pushes.



"You'll find out soon enough."

"Wha-" The sound of Kyedae hanging up the phone stops Poki mid-question, and she slowly lets down her phone, feeling more bewildered than before.

Her heart palpitates in her chest as she tries to decipher her words, and an unsettling feeling rests in her stomach.


Kyedae grunts to herself as she puts down the phone and types furiously, quickly documenting Poki's words at a blazing pace. She looks at the remaining list of names and prepares her next call, while simultaneously pushing away her impending exhaustion.

I can't rest now. Not while he's out there... ruining everything.

He'll never get away now. Once and for all, his bullshit will finally be out in the open.

Everyone will finally realize exactly who he is...


"Woah, it's noon already! Alright... I think this is a good place to stop," Poki rubs her eyes, yawning. "It was great seeing all of you again, but I reeeeally need to take a nap now, so I'll see you tomorrow! Byeeee!" Poki waves with both hands.

She scans over the chat as she finishes up, and amongst the flurry of hearts and goodbye messages, a few messages catch her eye.

dargkamer69: have you seen the tweet?

1980matty: no way it's on trending

pickle12cucumber: holy shit WHAT

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