Chapter 1

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Summer of 1963

In the beginning my fathers death was undeniably hard to deal with.
My mother was never there for me so I had to deal with the sudden death of my loving father by myself. 

Anytime I cried in front of my mother she called me selfish.
One time, when I wouldn't stop crying, she told me that I had no right to cry for a man I only knew for five years.
Once those words left her mouth I realized how right she was. I realized why my mother hated me.
I had stolen the only man she ever loved. I cried and begged my mother for forgiveness but she only shrugged while looking at the tears that ran down my face. I felt embarrassed and angry. 

The following months were hell. 

My mother never did anything for me or with me. 

I sometimes had to remind her to go out and buy food.
It's not that my mother didn't have the money for it. She had plenty, though, she only ever used it on herself.
Once my mother remarried I soon realized how far gone she really was. The man she married was a drunk asshole who only cared about himself.
She had only known Bill for about a month but decided he was her best choice.
She knew the kind of person he was but didn't care. Why would she?
My mother put herself before anyone else.
The reasons she married him must have been good ones if she's put up with him for that long.

I soon grew numb to the death of my father and hardly ever thought about him again. 

August, 1963

Monday morning I woke up to shouting along with the sound of glass breaking. This wasn't unusual so I thought nothing of it. I walked downstairs and looked around. I stupidly decided to ask,

"Where's the cereal?"

Bill turned to face me with anger in his eyes. 

"What?" he asked.

Knowing there was no good way to answer his question I gave up.

"Never mind." I mumbled.

"No. Tell me what the fuck you said!" he yelled. 

I stood there and said nothing. 

This seemed to have angered him but for some reason he said nothing more. 

The room was silent and all that could be heard was the growling coming from my stomach.

I looked over to my mother and saw a blank expression on her face.

I ran up to my room and got dressed. I picked up my backpack and ran back downstairs.
I was supposed to go back to school today but was too afraid to ask my mother to take me. I walked out of the front door and as I walked all that could be heard were distant yells. 

Once I had gotten to school I was immediately met with people shoving me and calling me names. This was to be expected so I did nothing. I walked over to my classroom and sat beside a cute boy who looked to be the same age as me. He had short blond hair and brown eyes.

As class begun the growls in my stomach became louder. I was getting hungrier by the second and couldn't stand it. Eventually it was lunch time and I quickly walked to the food. I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into a tall boy with brown hair. He stared at me for a few seconds before shoving me to the ground.

I was about to get up until I heard people laughing at me. I sat there for what seemed like hours until a boy walked up to me. It was the blond boy I sat next to. He held out his arm as a signal for me to grab it. I did, though, hesitantly. Once I realized he wasn't going to drop me back down I thanked him. 

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Y/n. What's yours?' I smiled.


I went off to get my lunch and he followed after me. Once I had gotten my lunch he grabbed my hand and brought me to an empty table. The both of us sat down and ate our lunch in a comfortable silence. 

Once lunch was over we went back to our classroom and took our seats. I took out a notebook and started taking notes. I took a few glances at Michael only to be met with his eyes staring back at mine. Once class was over I looked over to Michael's seat and saw he was gone. I thought nothing of it and walked home. 

On my way home I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being followed. I looked back a couple times but saw no one. Eventually I walked into my house and was surprised to hear and see no one. My parents rarely ever left home but when they did it usually took a while for them to get back. I walked around my house happy with the silence. I made myself a quick snack and walked upstairs to my room. In there I started working on my homework and after a few minutes finished it. 

There wasn't much to do so I walked outside. I looked around and saw a bike. It wasn't mine, though, seeing that it was left on the street with no owner I walked over to it. I picked up the bike and tried riding it. The last time I had a bike was when my dad was still alive. My mom got rid of everything when he died. 

Once I had remembered how to ride it that's what I did. I rode my bike around the neighborhood and once it had gotten dark I rode back home. I was approaching my home when I saw a car in my driveway. It was my moms. Fearing the hell that awaited me I hesitantly walked inside. I was met with angry screams and a question.

"Where the hell were you?!" 

I looked over to Bill and answered his question.

"I was outside." I said quietly.

"Doing what?"

"Riding a bike." I mumbled.

"Speak up, bitch!" 

"I was riding a bike!" I said louder, this time.

"Don't give me attitude!"

"I- I'm sorry." I said.

"Go to your fucking room"

I stood there.

"How many times do I have to fucking tell you? Go to your room!" he yelled.

With that I ran upstairs and shut my door.

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