Chapter 9

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of my doorbell ringing.
I rushed downstairs and opened my door.
It was Melissa.

"Melissa? What are you doing here?"

Before answering my question she let herself in and examined the place.

"You don't mind if I look around, do you?" she asked.

"Why are you here?" 

"Because I know you did something to Mary."

"God, Melissa it's 8 in the morning, can we do this later?"

She sighed,

"Fine, I'll find out eventually anyway." 

"Are you going to the memorial?" she asked. 

"What memorial?"

"Of course you wouldn't know. Why would you?! You don't care about anyone but yours-"

"What fucking memorial, Melissa?"

"The one for Chris!" she yelled while throwing her arms up in the air.

"What about the other victims?"

"What about the other fucking victims?! You didn't know them!"

"Is it a memorial for them too?!"

"Why the fuck do you care?!"

"Just answer my question, Melissa. Please." 

"Yes, and if that's not reason enough for you to go then you're just as crazy as Michael." 

"We have work today." 

"Everyone's going to be at the memorial. I'm sure they won't mind if you're not in today." she added. 

"Okay, I'll go."

"I'll wait for you." 

"When is it?" 

"In 45 minutes."

I ran upstairs to get clean clothes then I took a warm shower.
That morning, I didn't bother eating breakfast and instead just followed Melissa into her car. 
The car ride consisted of Melissa asking me about Mary, Chris, and Michael.
This was obviously an interrogation but I didn't mind. I didn't blame her for thinking I was a murderer, even after everything.

We arrived at the memorial though something Melissa forgot to mention was the fact that it was at a college.

"Hey, what if they don't let us in?" I asked her.

"Don't worry. They're letting everyone in." she assured me.

The two of us walked into the school gym and took seats next to each other.
We sat there for a while until eventually someone started speaking. 

"Good morning, everyone. I wish you were all here under different circumstances but unfortunately that's not the case. We're all here today in memory of the people who were taken from us too early. We are here in remembrance of Allison Williams, Garrett Johnson, Christopher Smith, Angela Brown, and Alan Davis. Let's take a moment of silence for our brothers and sisters."

Just then two boys wearing masks similar to the one owned by Michael Myers ran across the gym shouting "The boogeyman's coming for us!" While half of the gym remained silent, though angry, the other half laughed. 

"What the hell is everyone laughing about?!" Melissa shouted.

The laughter became silent and everyone turned towards the source of the voice. 

She sighed and continued,

"There are five dead people and my girl- my friend has been missing since the murders happened!"

"Well what the hell do you want us to do about it?!" a boy on the other side of the gym shouted. 

"Just let the cops do their job!" another shouted.

"How are you so sure they'll find Michael?!" a girl added.

"They don't need to go after Michael yet!" Melissa shouted and continued,

"He has an accomplice!" 


The whole room gasped.

"Now what is the meaning of this?!" the school principal shouted.

Ignoring the principals question Melissa explained,

"Michael Myers has an accomplice! She's right here!" she yelled while pointing towards me.

The people in the gym shifted their eyes from Melissa to me and angry expressions grew on their faces. I could feel the whole room judging me and hoping for all the terrible things ever to happen to me. At this point there was nothing I could say to make them believe otherwise. In their eyes I was a murderer. 

Everyone started shouting at me. I tried leaving but was stopped by people surrounding me. My heart was pounding. I could have sworn everyone else heard it. The principal and a couple teachers started asking people to sit back down and stay calm but no one listened.
An officer appeared behind everyone and they all scattered. He took me outside and offered, many times, to take me home but I refused. I needed a moment outside. Another officer took Melissa by her arm and dragged her to his car. Everyone else in the gym tried leaving but they wouldn't allow it until I left and was safe. 

I sat down on a nearby bench and started crying. I was so sure I was going to die in there. It may seem dramatic, but I've never been through anything like that. I never want to go through that again. 

My breathing got heavier as I felt someones presence behind me. I jumped up and tried running until I saw who it was. It was the man from the video store. He looked at me with a sense of pity in his eyes when he saw the tears falling from mine. He took a few steps closer to me and brought me to his chest. I just now realized how tall this man was. His arms wrapped around my waist and my body shivered. His embrace made me feel safe and I hugged him back. I couldn't understand why I felt so safe in the arms of a complete stranger, but his presence didn't make it feel that way. It felt as if I've known this man my whole life.

He pulled himself away from me and I felt myself missing his touch. 
He started searching in the pockets of his pants and pulled something out, a paper.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" a familiar looking police officer asked me.

"Are you here to question me again?" I asked with an angry expression on my face. 

"Who's your friend here?" he motioned towards the tall man.

I looked over to the tall man and was met with the back of his head. 
For whatever reason he wouldn't meet the eyes of the police officer.

"My ride." I said.

"He's going to drive me home." I took the tall mans arm and started walking with him, leaving the officer alone with his thoughts.

The tall man and I started walking towards the parking lot and I turned to face him.

"I hope this isn't too much to ask, but, would you mind driving me home?" I laughed.

He walked to a car, which I assumed to be his, and motioned for me to get in.
I went inside the car and relaxed myself. 

"Thank you." I said while staring at the man as he got inside of his car. 

I told the man where I lived and he drove me to my home.
I was of course shocked when he got there as quickly as it would take me. As if he was already familiar with the neighborhood. Though, of course it was a pretty small town. 

When we had gotten there he stepped out his car and walked me to my front porch. 

I faced the tall man and stared into his deep brown eyes.

"What's your name?" I asked.

Ignoring my question the man pulled the paper from earlier out of his pocket and handed it to me. He walked back to his car and I opened the paper.

I looked back up from the paper.


The paper had the drawing of Michael Myers I made for him when we were children.

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