Chapter 6

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Today, my shift at the video store was just like any other.
As much as I loved working there, nothing new ever happened.
It was all so repetitive. 

Mary and Melissa weren't there that day. 
That of course meant I was forced to spend my day with Chris. 

He tried talking with me a couple times but I ignored him.
Part of me felt bad. 
I knew he was just scared but I didn't care. 

"Y/n, can we please talk?" he begged.

"I'm busy, Chris." 

"With what?"

"Helping customers." 

"No one's even here!" he yelled. 

I sighed. 
Figuring there was no way out of this I complied.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"I want to talk about yesterday."

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"Alright. Why'd you freak out when we were talking about Michael?"

"I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

"He was my friend, Chris."

"He killed his sister and attacked a woman. Why do you keep defending this guy?!"

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"And so what if I was?!" 

"So what? So fucking what?! Y/n, what are you not understanding?! He killed his fucking sister! If he had the chance I'm sure he would've killed you too!" he spat.

"No.. Michael was my friend."

"He's a psychopath!"

"You don't know what you're talking about." 

He laughed, "You're fucking crazy, Y/n!"

"And so what if I was?" I asked, taking a step closer while staring blankly at him.

Before anymore words could be exchanged a customer walked in and stared at us.
A familiar looking customer.
He was the same guy who came in yesterday but bought nothing.

"I'll help him." I said before walking away from Chris.

I walked over to the familiar looking guy.

"Do you need any help?" I asked him.

"Do you?" he replied in an almost robotic voice.

"Excuse me?"

He stared back at me and said nothing.
He then looked to where Chris was and I realized.

"With Chris?
Yeah, do me a favor and kill the guy before I do." I laughed.

He said nothing which made me feel uncomfortable.

"Anyways, do you need help?" I asked again, while scratching the back of my head.

Once again, the strange man only stared at me before leaving the store. 

The rest of my shift was awkward.
Chris was the only other worker there, funny enough, he was the only person I didn't want to be there. I wish I could say that I wanted things to get better between us but I couldn't.
Ever since the day he and I met we were always arguing. 
Though of course, all of those times we made up. I had a feeling this time was different. As if our 'friendship' could never go back to the way it was. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm glad we had this argument today. Because now I had a good reason to ignore him.
Though, this doesn't mean I enjoyed the argument, I hate fighting. I felt like a jerk in this situation but he could never get the hint. 
There's never been a moment in our 'friendship' where he hasn't tried to get with me. Even though I've told him no a countless amount of times.

The only good part about today's shift was when I got to lock the store up.
The ride back home was calming. Exactly what I needed. I especially loved driving only because of the newly decorated houses I got to see. On my way home I saw a couple new ones. They were amazing. Sometimes I would stop the car and just stare at the houses for a while.
God, they probably thought I was a creep. 

Eventually I had gotten home. 
Oddly enough, I walked inside my house with the feeling of euphoria.
I walked into my bathroom and lit some candles.
After doing this I filled the bath up with warm water and stepped inside.
I relaxed my body and relieved myself of all the stress I had built up. 
This was in fact short lived because I heard my telephone ringing. I tried my best to ignore it but it wouldn't stop.

I stepped out of the warm bath and wrapped a towel around my cold body.
While downstairs I contemplated on just letting it continue ring but I had gotten this far, may as well just answer it. 
I answered the phone and was annoyed by the fact that all I heard was breathing.
Assuming it had just been a prank I hung up and began walking away until I heard it again.

"Hello?" I asked after picking up the phone.

"Chris, is this you?" I continued.

This time, the other person hung up.

Feeling unmotivated to continue my bath I changed into comfortable clothes and turned on the television in my living room.
I put on a horror movie and made popcorn.
My telephone continued ringing for a few minutes, though having no intentions to answer it, I didn't. It wasn't uncommon to get a few prank calls during October, though this felt a bit excessive. 
Did the other person seriously have nothing better to do?
On any other day I would have laughed it off, because as a kid I did things similar to this, though this wasn't one of those days. I was already in a bad mood because of everything that happened at work. I didn't want to be bothered at home too. 

I ended up watching a couple movies. 
After a while I had even started listening to music while staring at my ceiling as if it could give me the solution to all my problems. Honestly though, all I could think of was Michael. I wanted to see him so badly. There was nothing more I wanted to do. But even if I saw him, I doubt he would have remembered me. It's been so long since I've seen him. Fifteen years, to be exact. What would we even talk about? 
I doubt the two of us could ever be as close as we once were.

Eventually, after a while of reminiscing on the past, I fell asleep with only one thing in mind, or rather, only one person in mind.
That person being, Michael Myers.

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