Chapter 4

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"I'm telling you Howard, McFist has been too quiet these past few days."
Randy would say to his best friend as the two would make their way to the cafeteria. Howard would let out a disgruntled sigh and said
"Cunningham, you're being way too paranoid. You should be happy that he's been quiet! Oh! Maybe McFist has given up! Yeah, that's it! McFist has accepted the fact he can't beat you and thus gave up like a total shoob!"
Randy wanted to believe that. He wanted to believe that Hannibal McFist had just completely given up on trying to destroy the Ninja. But, the problem with that is...

"That just doesn't sound like McFist. McFist wouldn't just give up so easily."
Randy would state as he and Howard entered the cafeteria.
"If I was McFist, I would give up easily."
Howard would nonchalantly say. Randy would sigh in slight annoyance and said.
"Howard, we both know McFist is too stubborn to just give up. He isn't going to stop until the Ninja is destroyed."
Howard would sigh, and reluctantly said.
"Yeah you're right... So, what are you gonna do about it?"

Randy would sigh as he tried to plan his next course of action. It didn't take Cunningham too long however and he said
"I think I'm just gonna-"
Before Randy could finish his thought, he would suddenly stop and look around. Howard scratched the back of his head and raised an eyebrow at Randy.
"Cunningham? You there? You're gonna do what?"

Randy would not respond tho. He just kept looking around the cafeteria. He had a gut feeling something wasn't right, but he couldn't pinpoint what exactly was it. Howard would shake his hand in front of Randy's face as he said.
"Hello? Hello? Cunningham, you there?"
Randy would shake his head and whisper to Howard.
"Something doesn't feel right. The entire morning, I felt like I was being watched."
Howard rolled his eyes again and said
"There you go again. You're just being paranoid! Just sit back and relax and enjoy yet another peaceful day without any interruptions."
Randy would take a deep breath and try to calm himself down. Maybe he was just being paranoid. Perhaps he should just go on and try to enjoy another peaceful, yet boring day. With a sigh, Randy would say
"Alright Howard... Let's go."
"That's more like it! Come on, I heard they're serving gravy fries today!"
Debbie and Theresa would be peering around a corner, remaining out of sight while keeping an eye on Randy.
"Debbie, I'm not trying to doubt your abilities, but are you sure that Randy has something to scoop about?"
Theresa would ask as she watched Randy get gravy fries with Howard.
"I'm more than certain Resa. Have faith in me..."
Debbie would reply back. The journalist would sigh and say
"Those two are talking about something, the question is what."
"So why don't you go over there and talk to them."
"Because if I did it, Cunningham will immediately become defensive. Ever since my incident with him, I suspect him to be very cautious with his words with me. I need someone he wouldn't suspect to talk to him for me..."

A lightbulb would go off in Debbie's head as she slowly smiled up at Theresa.
"Well, where are we going to get that someone?"
Theresa would ask, oblivious to the look on Debbie's face. Debbie would ask innocently
"Theresa, may I ask a small favor from you?"
Theresa would look down at the journalist and said
"Yeah, what is it?"

"Can you be the person that talks to Randy for me?"
When Theresa heard the question, she became a flustered mess.
"Me? Talk to Randy? I... I don't know..."
Fowler would say shyly while she tried to hide her blushed cheeks. Debbie would mentally roll her eyes but say with a sweet smile.
"Come on Resa, it will be easy for you! Randy wouldn't suspect a thing! All you need to do is act natural!"

Theresa would be hesitant for some time...

But when she did speak, she said

"I'll do it..."

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