Chapter 12

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The Wrecker bot would come crashing down on the pavement. Randy would charge the bot as it was still down and was ready to deliver the finishing blow. However, the machine would raise its axe in front of itself and parry Randy's sword. The Wrecker bot would follow its parry up attempting to punch Randy. However, Randy would gracefully do a back leap and land on the roof of a car.

Upon further inspection of the bot, Randy felt like he encountered these bots before...
"Wait a honkin' minute, are you berserker bots?"
Randy asked. Immediately, the boy gasped at sudden conclusion
"Oh no! Did Viceroy lose Otto again!?"

The robot would jump up and roar out
Afterwards, the Wrecker would charge at the Ninja.
"Oooh... So you're Wrecker Bots. You still look a lot like the Berserkers."
The Wrecker would bring his axe down on the Ninja, however, Randy would leap out of the way.
"To be entirely frank, this is the cheapest plan McFist and Viceroy has ever come up with."
Randy would hear more roars from down the streets. He would turn and see the other 4 Wrecker charging at him like wild apes.

Randy would bring his sword to his side and said
"Look, you bots already ruined a perfectly good day for me. Let's just get this done with."

Randy would charge at the incoming Wrecker bots. Moments before the clash however, the Wrecker bots would chance their hands to some weapon, be it a mace or a blade. However, this did not deter Randy. He would punch and kick his way through the group, showing graceful agility and acrobatics as he dodged attacks and used his swords to block any incoming blows.

Seeing how melee was pointless, one of the Wrecker bots would change both its hands into laser cannons. When Randy saw this, his eyes widen
"Hoooooh boy!"

The bot would begin blasting away at Randy as Randy made a quick withdrawal to find cover.
"Ninja dodge! Ninja dodge! Ninja dodge! Ninja leap!"

Randy launched himself into an alleyway. Randy would take a moment to recollect himself.

"Gotta find a way to take out that Wrecker..."
Randy would huff as he tried to peer over the corner. The moment he showed his face, however, he was met with a volley of laser shots. Randy yelped and would quickly take cover again.
"Gah, just how!?"
The Ninja would ask out loud to himself. He would scan his surroundings, looking for anything that could give him an edge in this fight.

But in the midst of his searching, Randy would remember something. He would pull out a smoke bomb from his ninja suit and remember a lesson regarding the smoke bombs.

The ninja smoke bomb is a tool of strategy, not a toy for show.

Randy would take a deep breath and say.
"Alright, let's hope this works."

Randy would toss the smoke bomb far out in the street. The moment the bomb exploded and dispersed its smoke, the Wrecker bot would blast blindly into the smoke. However, the moment the smoke cleared, the Wrecker bot would see nothing was there.

In its moment of confusion, Randy would quickly charge the bot with his sword. He would swiftly close the distance, and while leaping up at it, shout
"Ninja slice!"

Like a hot blade in butter, Randy's sword cleanly decapitated the Wrecker.
"Ha! That actually worked!"
Randy exclaimed, praising himself. However, he wouldn't have too much time. Two Wrecker bots would be closing in on him, one armed with a mace and the other a hammer. As Randy tried to think of what to do next, a doodle message would appear in his vision.

The best way to avoid an attack is to avoid an attack.

Randy would smirk as he kept his eyes on the two Wreckers. The robots would bring their weapons down on the Ninja
"Ninja leap!"

As a result of a perfectly timed dodge, the two Wrecker bots ended up destroying each other.

Three down, two more to go.

One Wrecker bot would change both its hands into blades and engage Randy in an intense sword fight. No matter what Randy did, it seemed like the bot knew what was coming next.

The Wrecker bot would deliver Randy a powerful kick to his stomach, sending the Ninja into a brick wall. Randy would groan out in pain and pant to catch his breath.
"Gah... What do I do?"
He would ask himself while looking at the bot.

The Wrecker would begin charging at Randy. Randy would raise his sword ready to parry the bot's attack. That is until another doodle message appeared in his vision.

The unexpected is never expected.

Randy would raise his sword and ask himself.
"Unexpected... What does it not expect me to do..."
A brief moment would pass until Randy figured something out. From his suit, he would pull out Ninja tripping balls. Throwing them below the charging Wrecker, he would yell.

As the Tripping Balls landed underneath, they would burst into multiple tiny marbles. The robot would try its best to maintain balance, flailing its arms around wildly. As the Wrecker kept coming in its out of control approach, Randy would swing his sword and cut the bot cleanly in half.

One bot was all that was left.

"Huh, and I thought these guys were going to be tough."
Randy gloated as he examined the destroyed Wrecker. Now all he had to do was destroy the last one and get back to Theresa. He scanned around the streets, but saw no sign of the bot.

Suddenly he heard a scream of someone that made his blood turn cold. He would gasp as he snapped towards the direction of the scream.


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