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I woke up to shut the window

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I woke up to shut the window. The early shit eating birds were singing and it was making my ears bleed. It's too fucking hot, and my throat is having trouble swallowing through the harshness of being fucked throughly last night.

Yoongi is tucked up in my sheets facing away from me, he's snoring, a usual thing he does as he sleeps off the effects of getting baked between cumming all over my tits. My minds still a little hazy, I needed to stop smoking so much because with Yoongi raming his cock down my throat and toking spliffs after sex, I'll definitely needed some type of throatal therapy, I'm sure that I saw a packet of lozenges in the pantry, I find myself deciding to go downstairs to find something to combat the rawness.

"Mrs. Min," A high nasally voice pierced the silence, breaking my train of thought, making me stop at the foot of the stairs, I saw three men. One making himself at home on my armchair with two much larger men standing either side of him like some sort of security guards.

"Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing in my house?" I croak in shock while jumping backwards to the bottom step of the stairs.

"I'm your worst nightmare." he responded like a cliche villain who would be stroking a pet cat. The man was short and skinny who had a face that reminded me of a rat, a thin long pointy nose and hands that were crying out for a manicure, In any other situation I would have found the sight funny, If it weren't for the fact that he radiated such intense and menacing evil.

"I'm pretty sure he's still asleep," I bit back as Yoongi snoozed away upstairs. Pulling my kimono tighter around me, I did not like the way his narrow beady eyes were looking me up and down, I regretted only wearing a thong underneath. Not the type to feel uncomfortable in my own skin, I suddenly found myself feeling extremely vulnerable as his eyes stopped at my chest.

"Go and wake up your sleeping husband, we have some business to discuss" He said dismissively, shooing me with the back of his hand.

I shot back upstairs as fast as possible, practically kicking down my bedroom door. "Yoongi wake up we have a big problem," I whisper, roughly shaking his lounging body.

"What is it, Kitten? You want another round, or are you after my dope?" He mumbled sleepily, trying to pull me into bed with a kiss.

"Fuck off. I'm not screwing you right now! There are three random ass men in our living room." I said pulling away from him, surprised by how he was acting but I had to file it away for later, we had bigger issues right now.

"What men?" He said, finally sitting up and searching my face with sleepy eyes.

"Mr. and Mrs. Min. My time is precious, let's not waste any more of it on your stupidity." The unwelcome visitor spoke in a normal tone but the sound carried through the house as if he had shouted.

"Who the fuck is that?" Yoongi mouthed, shooting up fully awake as I threw my hands up in an 'I don't know' gesture. I grabbed my phone intending to call Namjoon, Hoseok or Jungkook, Someone, but he put a hand on mine shaking his head, after a brief pause I agreed. He was right they would just come over and it would most likely end in a gunfight. Slowly we made our way down the stairs, cautious of our guests. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" Yoongi said, a deadly calm tone in his voice. I had never heard him this calm before, I half expected him to shout and curse much like I did.

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