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I looked at the two shirts on my bead side to side still indecisive on which one I was going to wear and still trying to figure out which one Cuete would give me less shit for wearing. Today was the first day of school and I was not looking forward to it at all because it was now my freshman year of high school.

       I finally decided on a basic white cropped top when Cuete swung my door open "Juliana hurry the fuck up I got shit to do and your gonna be late" I rolled my eyes irritated "Cuete what did I tell you about coming in here without warning me first I could have been fucking naked pendejo"  "Just hurry up before I make you go In what your wearing right now and you better not wear anything that shows to much I don't need any of these pendejos thinking your easy" he slammed my door shut before I could say  anything in response.

     Cuete is a asshole but it's only because he's very protective of me our mom died when we were little so we lived with our grandma most of our lives, but he only got worse after joining 19th street and shortly after becoming their leader.

       I finally got dressed I chose some dark blue jeans and some white converse to complete my outfit then threw my hair into a quick ponytail, I grabbed my back pack and went to the living room that was filled with my brothers homies like always.

      "It's about time your ass is ready let's go sapo is waiting in the car for us"  I once again rolled my eyes just because I knew it pissed Cuete off. Once we reached the car I noticed sapo staring at me which made me nervous because if I'm being honest I've always had a little crush on sapo but I knew it could never happen because him and my brother are so close their basically brothers.

    "After we drop her off we got business to handle homie" Cuete said to sapo as sapo pulled onto the street "shit I been waiting to go handle those bitch ass prophets" sapo said as he continued to drive. The rest of the car ride was my brother and sapo talking about the usual bullshit so I eventually put my earphones in to tune out their conversation because i had no internet in hearing it anymore.

    We finally pulled up to my school and as I got out Cuete shouted "stay out of fucking trouble and get home right after" I walked away pretending that I didn't hear him. He's on me so much right now because things between 19th street and the prophets have only been getting worse it has turned into a all out war over territory and all I could do is worry for my brother's safety because as much as he irritates me he's all I have and I don't know what I'd do without him.

   As I approached the entrance of the school I see Monse and Jasmine waiting for me, I technically shouldn't be friends with them considering they used to be close to Cesar who is now the leader of the santos but I really didn't care plus monse has no contact with that pendejo anymore so it was all good now.

  "Hey girl it's your first day of high school!! How do you feel?" Monse asked with a smile "I feel like i already can't wait to almost be out of here like you guys" both monse and jasmine laughed "just take it one day at a time it ain't that bad we're actually gonna miss this place we're sad it's our last year" Jasmine says while greeting me with a hug. I was in a way sad it was their last year because I had made good friends with them.

   As me monse and jasmine began walking into the school Vero passed us giving us all a death glare, something I should make known is me and Vero were once best friends until she got with Cesar after that she pretended not to know me and she now hates me for hanging with monse because she believes monse is gonna steal Cesar back little does she know Monse doesn't want shit to do with that asshole anymore.

   "Man I'm tired of that bitch walking around like she's the shit just because she's fucking Cesar" I say as we finally reach our lockers "just ignore her she's not worth it Juliana" monse says in attempt to calm me down but I couldn't help but still be mad because I couldn't believe how someone I once called my sister could switch up on me so easily over a guy.

       The whole day went by like a blur and thankfully it was time for me to finally leave but I decided to walk home with monse and hang out for a bit. As we walked monse told me everything that went down between her and Cesar and it made more sense why he was dead to her.

     We finally got to her house "are you hungry" she asked as she threw her backpack on the couch and headed straight for her kitchen "yea I could eat what do you got?" One thing about me is I can eat I love food especially after school. "I got turbos and nacho cheese" she said while holding both up, as much as it might sound gross to some people it actually tastes hella good together and has always been my favorite.

    We ended up watching the show "never have I ever" for about 2 hours and then i finally decided it was time for me to go home before Cuete started to trip "are you sure you wanna go already?" Monse asked but I knew she was only asking because she didn't want to be alone since her dad was gone for work again "yea I got to before Cuete gets on me" she sighed "alright girl just be safe" "always" I say as I walk out of the front door.

       I finally got home but to my surprise Cuete wasn't waiting for me instead sapo was sitting on the couch smoking a blunt "Damm your finally home" he says while looking me up and down "yea why do you care?" I always give attitude to all my brothers homies even sapo, he chuckled "you're brother went to go fuck some hyna so he had me stay here and wait" "and I want to know why?" I honestly didn't need to know or imagine my brother fucking some girl.

       "You look different now girl" he said while once again looking me up and down "pero you shouldn't be staying out this late when shit Is this bad" I rolled my eyes "thanks for the concern but it's none of your business" he chuckled once again "shit i might just make you my concern if you keep looking this good" I didn't even know what to say I couldn't believe that he was talking to me considering before our conversations were so short.

        "Good luck with that" I say before tryna walk away but then I'm stopped by him grabbing my arm "your gonna be mine soon mama I've been liking you but you always got a Damm attitude but I'm gonna fix that" I felt straight butterflies as he said this and then suddenly we heard the door start to open and as fast as he grabbed my arm he was letting it go at the sight of Cuete coming in the house. "Your finally fucking home what did I tell you about staying out Juliana!" Cuete yelled the minute he seen me in sight, for someone who just got laid he still not happy. "It's alright homie she got home a little after you left we just been chilling" sapo said which calmed Cuete down "well I'm going to my room pendejos" I turned and looked at sapo before heading to my room he winked at me which made me smile. Maybe he was right about making me his.

Hey everybody I'm sorry if this chapter was boring I'm still tryna get used to doing a story again but I hoped you enjoyed if you got this far🩵

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