Chapter 1: Up High In The Sky

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The lights would flicker a bit every so ofthen in the long bright hallway, the deep red color of the walls, ornated with gold abstract shapes made it seem as if the corridor stretched on forever, a warm breeze could be felt in the humid and light air.

A figure could be seen walking through that empty hallway, their shoes making a clicking sound after each step they took, they walked calmly, their eyes focused on the corridor unfolding in front of them, sometimes they would shoot a few glances towards some of the doors which covered those tall walls with a repeating pattern.

After walking for a few minutes they reached a light brown door, which seemed to have been left slightly open on purpose, a gentle warm light could be seen coming through the opening, they reached out and opened the door widely, revealing a rather simple meeting room, with completely white walls which were covered with big and clean windows that reached all the way from the floor to the celing, allowing the colors of a slowly setting sun to light up the blank room with shades of orange and pink.

There were five chairs in the room, although only one chair was empty, four men sat at a meeting table, each of them minding their own business, seemingly waiting, most of them had turned their heads towards the door as soon as it opened.

The sweet natural light that illuminated the room was mostly only there to make it seem less threatening, for the air inside was actually cold and gloomy, as if the end had began the moment the figure had entered the room.

"Ah, there you are" greeted calmly the oldest looking man, who wore an interesting dark green uniform which matched his gray hair.

As the figure walked closer to the meeting table, they were stopped by another of the men who had jumped up in excitement as soon as they had seen the door open.

This one was wearing an odd outfit indeed, he wore the robes of a clown, completely in black and white as if he had just walked out of an old style comedy movie, he also had a few details which were of a beautiful crimson red, he wore a big hat on top of his head and he had a card covering his right eye, he seemed very energetic, he possessed the enthusiasm of a child, and seemed incredibly happy of the appearance of the figure, "Ah! Canoj~ finally you are here!" Said the man disappearing and then appearing again behind Canoj as if he had just performed a magic trick, "You made us wait! A show can't begin if all of the guests aren't in their place~!" Cheerfully commented the man putting on a bright smile, which seemed both welcoming and repelling.

He had then grabbed Canoj by the shoulders from behind "It's not polite of you to arrive just now~ I had started to worry that we were going to have an empty seat~!" Whispered Nikolai close to Canoj's ear making Canoj shiver slightly "Well Niko, it's not my fault it's because of that damn elevatorussy-" Canoj was interrupted by the elder looking man sitting at the end of the meeting table who had just welcomed them earlier "please sit down, both of you" he scolded with a tired tone.

Nikolai quickly sat down in his chair "Yeah sure sir Fukuchi... sir" said Canoj obviously annoyed by the presence of the man, they never liked him, not one bit, but he was their leader so they couldn't do much other than bite their tongue and think about how annoying they found him.

As Canoj sat down aswell, the meeting began, Fukuchi spoke up almost immediately "One of Port Mafia's executives has been deceased for some time now" he stopped for a second almost hesitant to finish the sentence.

"One of Port Mafia's executives is deceased, meaning that there is an empty space in the organisation's highest ranks" explained a third men, looking up afther being seemingly lost in his thoughts until that moment, he had black hair with a hint of purple, his eyes seemed tired, he had eyebags confirming that he most likely had a terrible sleep schedule, his electric purple eyes seemed to scan Canoj's expression for a few seconds. Canoj also noticed that he had a strong russian accent, but they paid it no mind, "Canoj" called Fukuchi.

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