Chapter 14

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Here I am, in my sexy, red babydoll chemise mesh lace lingerie and a g-string thong with my face heated up like I ate a kilo of raw jalapenos, in front of the two Adonises – one of them half-naked – who are growling with lust, looking like they want to eat me right in this spot.

I feel a pool building up in between my thighs. Despite the fact that lupis practically prance around the pack half-naked, or actually naked even, due to shifting to and from muto, for some reason, I still feel very exposed under the gaze of my mates. It might be due to the fact that they're not pack, or simply just because they're my mates.

Who the fuck knows? All I know is that I don't want pre-cum dripping down my thighs right now.

However, Euan being almost naked in front of me makes my brain go haywire, preventing me from controlling my ovaries from basically drooling. They're freaking identical so it gives me the idea of what's underneath Luca's clothes.

Oh those fucking strong arms! Never mind the blood. I could already imagine how awesome it would feel to be held by them. And, hello, I didn't get one. I get two yummy men instead!

Their lustful growls are reverberating through my spine. And from their heated looks, any sane woman with a functional vagina would instantly get wet.

"What a lovely welcome surprise, our feisty little minx."

My mind just decided that it is a great time to remind me of Luca's voice. It's literally calling for my titty buttons – which hardened as if they are trying to reach for him.

"Why do you have to be a bloody sodding kerfuffle of a mate?!"

The memory brings my mind back to normal from its previous disoriented, horny state. The anger has gotten back, driving me into a Mother Russia level of bitchiness.

One, Luca said 'bloody'. That's self-explanatory. Two, 'sodding' sounded like he meant disgusting, ugly, and used. It means being covered with soil and grass, right? Three, 'kerfuffle'. I don't even know what the hell it means but it sounded like he meant I'm a crazy bitch. Four, everything he said pertained to his impression of me as their mate.

"This..." I gesture to my body. "...was actually for Trey." I sneer. Well, technically speaking, it was actually for Trey.

Without warning, I am pulled inside the room and pushed on the wall by Luca. He pins both of my hands above my head with one hand and positions one of his legs in between mine, trapping me completely. Sparks are running all throughout my body, igniting the pool of desire in between my legs even more.

"You whore yourself to a fucking bloke and decide to wed with him! Have you not gave a damn about your mates?!" Luca growls angrily at my face, his eyes flashing gold.

Wow. Really? I whore myself to Trey? That's fucking judgmental! Low blow, dude. Low fucking blow.

I can't use my hands nor can I knee him in his jewels, so I decide to take the last resort even though I know it would hurt me too – head-butt.

He gets forced a few steps back away from me, holding his forehead and shouting curses.

"You should know better than to judge me when you don't even know me!" I snarl.

The adrenaline has made me forget the sparks, lust, and even the pain from the head-butt.

How dare he! I was suffering for fuck's sake! How dare he say it like I was fucking enjoying being with Trey that way!

All of a sudden, a still half-naked Euan is beside Luca. "You are really a dolt, brother." He smacks Luca in the head.

Luca's head shoots right back up and he growls at Euan. His eyes show that his lyall has taken over.

"Calm down. Do you want to upset our mate any further? Me? No. But if you want to, go ahead. I can have her all for myself then."

Luca snarls at Euan. He looks at me but I turn my head to side, making him whimper. But then he starts growling again. I hear Euan sigh before walking towards me. I back myself until my back hit the wall.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He says gently.

By now, I can tell that Euan's kind of more mature than Luca.

I feel the strong need to explain myself to them – to let them know that I did not want Trey to have me. "I was not 'whoring myself' to Trey willingly." I sob.

Euan and Luca growls loudly. In a flash, I am once again sandwiched between them. They embrace me tightly and nuzzle my neck – Euan who's in front of me on the left, and Luca who's at my back on the right.

"I'm sorry." Luca says as he slowly showers kisses on my neck.

"But you think I'm a disgusting, crazy bitch and an ugly, used whore." I say shakily in between sobs.

"No. Bloody no!" Luca says then he turns me around so I can face him. "When have we ever said that?"

I whimper and look down. "You said that I'm a 'bloody sodding kerfuffle of a mate'."

Luca cups my face in between his hands and lifts it. "You are not disgusting. You are lovely. You are not ugly. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You are not a 'crazy bitch'. Well... I was just frustrated that you are being difficult." He kisses my forehead then holds my hand. "I am greatly sorry for what I have said if it offended you. I was just very heated. The thought of another man having you infuriated me. Those were just random drivels, love. Will you forgive me?" He kisses the back of my hand.

"You don't want me as a mate." I whisper, broken.

Euan turns me around again so I can face him. "We would not be angry if we do not want you. We had been searching for you for months. Now that we have finally found you, we will never let you go. We want you to become ours." Honesty is evident in his eyes.

But once they know everything, they surely won't want me. I sob.

I heard both of them sigh.

"Let us just go to sleep for now. We will hear your explanations tomorrow." Euan says before kissing my forehead.

Luca ushers me towards the bed while Euan gets something from his luggage.

"Cover up, little mate. Luca would not want to shower." Euan smirks and hands me a shirt, making me blush, while Luca only chuckles. "You two should rest while I take a much needed shower. A really cold one, if I must add." Euan winks, making me blush even more that I can probably die from all the blood pumping up to my head.

Luca gasps, making me look at him in question.

"Well, I have never seen my brother this talkative nor flirty. It bothers me."

Well, I guess sharing a mate is definitely a new thing for the two of them.

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